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Grammar Skill for the Week of March 10th-  Commas in a Series

    Quiz on Thursday, March 13th




 Spelling List for the Week of March 10th     


 Test on Thursday, March 13th




List 19


  1. dear 

  2. deer 

  3. weak 

  4. week 

  5. knight 

  6. night 

  7. new 

  8. knew 

  9. no 

   10. know

   11. blue 

   12. blew 

   13. threw 

   14. through 

   15. root 

   16. route 

   17. our 

   18. hour 

   19. flower 

   20. flour








Grammar Skill for the Week of March 17th- Commas Before Conjunctions 


    Quiz on Friday, March 21st 





 Spelling List for the Week of March 17th      



 Test on Friday, March 21st




List 20

Consonant Doubling 


  1. rabbit 

  2. cabbage 

  3. ribbon 

  4. ladder 

  5. teddy 

  6. different 

  7. effort 

  8. soggy 

  9. nugget 

    10. gallon  

    11. jelly 

    12. shallow 

    13. comment 

    14. tennis 

    15. penny 

    16. happy 

    17. puppet 

    18. arrow 

    19. lesson 

    20. matter