There are so many wonderful reasons to join the band. Having the skill to perform music instrument has been one of the most cherished accomplishments throughout history. Students who decide to learn to to play an instrument can use this skill and knowledge for the rest of their lives. There is nothing like the joy of performing music with friends. It happens every day in school groups and continues for adults who still to play in community bands and orchestras or for those who perform professionally. In all cases, performing music can be an exhilarating experience.
Aside from the obvious benefits of playing a music instrument, there are a number of surprising academic benefits to students who study music. Students who take lessons on an instrument at a young age stimulate the brain in a unique way. Studies have shown that learning to play an instrument enhances a student's academic performance in math, language arts, foreign language and other academic areas. Even standardized test scores such as the SAT are higher among musicians.
Whatever the reason, playing an instrument can bring joy and fulfillment like no other activity. The most common remark from parents following a wonderful school concert is, “I wish my parents would have encouraged me to play an instrument and stick with it.”
At WDHS, we have several instrumental music offerings. Our concert band meets as a class daily. Students of all levels, including beginners, are able to participate. The concert band does a minimum of three major concert performances throughout the year. The concert band also has a rich tradition of traveling. In 2010, the band traveled to Los Angeles, California. In 2012 the band will be traveling to Chicago, Illinois.
Marching Band is a co-curricular activity that is available to all students wishing to be involved in a musical activity. Marching Band is a competitive group that performs all across NJ, PA, and DE. The marching band includes drumline, brass, woodwinds, percussion, guitars, keyboard/piano and dance/color guard members. Students involved in marching band earn varsity letters for their participation. Marching band begins in early May and has rehearsals throughout the summer and performances throughout the fall.
Our jazz band is a group for experienced musicians looking to gain additional performance experience through jazz studies. Jazz band includes guitars, keyboards/piano, drumset, saxophones, trombones and trumpets. Jazz band begins in mid-October and continues throughout the school year. All jazz band rehearsals are immediately after school, usually on Wednesdays. Along with the concert band, the jazz band does a minimum of three major concert performances each year.
To find out more information about how you can get involved in the WDHS instrumental music program contact Mr. Kershaw via email with any questions you have. From there, Mr. Kershaw will provide you with all of the info you need to become a member of the WDHS music family.