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Spelling ~ Lesson 3: HV ELA S1 0109

Weekly Spelling Homework

(see weekly words below directions)


All spelling homework should be completed in the spelling pad.

Please use neatest handwriting.

**Daily assignments are listed below unless

otherwise noted on homework pad and calendar**


 Monday - Write spelling words 1-20 two times each at home. (we write them 2x in class)


Tuesday - Write spelling words 1-20 two times each, at home, in ABC order. 


 Wednesday - Write 10 sentences for the first 10 spelling words from ABC order list.  All sentences should be 5 words or more. Sentences should start with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark. Underline the spelling word in each sentence.  


Thursday - Write 10 sentences for the remaining 10 spelling words from ABC order list. Sentences should be 5 words or more. Sentences should start with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark.  Underline the spelling word in each sentence. Remember to study for spelling test taking place on Friday.


Friday - Spelling test in school




Lesson 3 What Makes the Earth Shake


  1. wren
  2. knot
  3. knife
  4. write
  5. sharper
  6. fastest
  7. gnat
  8. sign
  9. longer
  10. thickest
  11. highest
  12. wrinkle
  13. known
  14. looser
  15. funniest
  16. many
  17. another
  18. cuter
  19. safest
  20. same


aloft: (adverb) far above the ground; high up

spied: (verb) caught sight of; spotted

settled: (verb) came to rest or sank, or made calm

shivers: (verb) shakes or trembles

restless: (adj.) not able to rest