page contents



























































Remote Learning

Week 11 & 12 

June 1st - June 11, 2020


Final STEAM Challenge


If I Built A House


Directions & Shape Templates


  If I Built a House - STEAM 4th & 5th Grade.docx


 Read Aloud











 Remote Learning 

Weeks 7, 8, 9 & 10

May 4th - May 29th, 2020


Please scroll down for lessons for weeks 1,2,3 & 4


 Hi Everyone,

You are doing a fantastic job, keep up the Great Work!

Miss you all!  



We will be building a Solar Oven over 4 weeks.


Week 1

Completed by May 10th



Click on the word processing document below.

Print, read & answer the "Think about it" Questions.





 Click on each link below and watch the Video:


Iqbal and His Ingenious Idea



Solar Cooking: National Geographic
(3:10 min)




Get all your supplies together so you are ready for weeks 2 & 3 beginning

Monday May 11.

Email any questions to me at:

[email protected]







Weeks 2 & 3

To be Completed May 11th - 29th


Begin by watching my Sceen-Cast-O-matic Video



 Follow Directions Below



Print out the Solar Oven Check List below and use it as a guide. 

  Solar Oven Check List.docx 



Watch the Solar Oven You Tube Video Below



Read all 4 pages from the document below before you begin to build your oven, you may print it out if you wish. 

Use the Steps from the check list and the directions from this document to build your oven. 

 Solar Oven Instructions.docx 





Follow the SMORES Instructions from page 4 and make some Smores in your new Solar Oven.


Please send me a picture of your oven to

[email protected]






Week 4

Due Friday May 29th


Print out the Reflection page below and complete.

 Solar Oven Reflection.docx  




Please email me your challenge when it is complete to

[email protected]










Remote Learning

Week 5 & 6

April 20th - May 1st, 2020



Please continue to work on your Earth Day Challenge. 


If you have already completed your Earth Day Challenge 

(due May 1st) please use this week to make up any challenges you have not completed. 


Just scroll down for previous Challenges!



Please email me your challenge when it is complete to

[email protected]






Earth Day is Wednesday April 22


"Take Care of our Planet because it's the only one we have"

Happy Earth Day!





Just for Fun, try making some Earth Day Toast!


Earth Day Toast STEM Challenge.docx




Earth Balancer Challenge

Due Friday May 1st


You Tube Tutorial



  STEM Earth Balancers.docx



Please email me your completed Challenge 

[email protected]












5th Grade STEAM Challenge    

Week 4  

April 6, 2020    


Optional Easter STEAM Challenges 



1.  Stack the Eggs Challenge

Mrs. Casciano's Egg Tower is 11 inches high, can you build a higher one? 

  Stack The Egg Challenge.docx 



2. Build a Jelly Bean Tower Challenge

Mrs. Casciano's tower was 36 inches tall, can you build a taller one? 

I used an 8 oz bag of Jellybeans.

  Build A Jelly Bean Tower.docx 



3.  Expanding Peep Experiment/Challenge


  Expanding Peep Experiment.docx 



4. Lenten Binary Code  


 Lenten Binary Code.docx 




5.  Easter LEGO Building  


  Easter LEGO STEM.docx























5th Grade STEAM Challenge:

Week 3

Due April 7, 2020 

The Bouncy Egg 


*Important Information*

Please do this Challenge with adult supervision!

Make sure you read all of the directions and watch the video below before you begin. 

You can email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.


Here is a picture of my Challenge, I will be posting my pictures everyday. 

Mrs. Casciano's eggs 



    Day 1 ~ Sunday                 Day 2 ~ Monday                             

         March 29             My eggs rose to the top and         Day 3,4 & 5 ~ Tues & Wed

                                       are covered with bubbles               Thur - No changes








To see Mrs. Casciano's "Bouncy Egg" Explanation click on the video below.










An egg (either hard boiled or raw) I recommend hard boiled.

A tall glass or mason jar

White vinegar



Step 1:

Carefully place your egg into a glass or jar.

Step 2:

Fill the glass with white vinegar until the egg is completely covered. You can add a few drops of food coloring to the glass too! 

Step 3:

Put the glass aside so no one drinks and or/ spills it. It will smell a bit, vinegar has a strong odor. You can cover the glass with plastic, wax paper or a lid.

Step 4:

Observe the egg daily for 3-4 days, you will notice a lot of foam and bubbles and the egg will get a little larger.

Step 5:

When the egg becomes translucent (almost see through) it is ready. 

Step 6:

Remove the egg from the glass and rinse it under some tap water. While rinsing gently rub the outside of the egg and the white film will come off leaving you with a translucent egg.

Step 7:

Examine your egg, notice it feels slightly different that when you started. Most noticeably it is missing the shell and has a weird rubbery feel to it. Gently shake it and squeeze it.


Test your Egg:

Test your new creation on a plate or in the sink by bouncing it a little on a plate or in a tray. (just like it shows in the video).



You now have a cool creation that can astound your friends and family, have some fun with it, the possibilities are endless!







5th Grade STEAM Challenge

Week 2


Due March 27, 2020 

DaVinici Bridge STEAM Challenge


Please click on the document below for challenge instructions. If you do not have popsicle sticks you can use anything else that may work (straws, pipe cleaners, sticks).


   5th Grade DaVinci Bridge.docx





Please take a picture of your project and send it to me at [email protected]







STEAM Challenge for the week of 3/16-3/20 

Circles Creativity Challenge 

Week 1 


Kindergarten -2nd Grade: 

Please complete the 12 Circle page. 

Set a timer for 15 minutes. 

You may allow more time if needed.


3rd-5th Grade:

Please complete the 30 Circle Page 

Set a timer for 30 minutes.

You may allow more time if needed.


 The purpose of this creativity challenge is to help students think outside the box. 



 12 or 30 Circles Recording Sheet 


 Pencil, Colored Pencils, Crayons or Markers   




 The goal of this challenge is to have your child turn as many circles as possible into recognizable objects in the time allowed. Before   students begin, explain to them that the focus is not on the skill of the drawings. Rather, students should be more concerned with   getting as many ideas generated as possible. Please click on the link below to print your child's circle page, set the timer and go. If   more time is needed, please note where your child was when their alloted time was up.



Please email me your work and feel free to email me if you have any questions: [email protected]


30 Circles Challenge 


Click the link for printable worksheets and instructions!