Remote Learning
Week 11 & 12
June 1st - June 11, 2020
Final STEAM Challenge
If I Built A House
Directions & Shape Templates
If I Built a House - STEAM 2nd & 3rd Grade.docx
Read Aloud
If I Built a House Read Aloud by Chris Van Dusen
Remote Learning
Week 9 & 10
May 18th - May 29th, 2020
Patriotic Newspaper Hat Challenge
In honor of all the Men and Woman who have fought for our Freedom your challenge is to Design and Build a Patriotic Hat for Memorial Day!
- Please click on the Patriotic Newspaper Hat Challenge docx below and read the directions
- Watch my Screencast-o-matic Video
- Print out the directions to make a newspaper hat, if needed
- Have Fun Creating your Patriotic Hat!
Patriotic Newspaper Hat Challenge K-2.docx
Newspaper Hat printable directions.docx
Please email me a picture of you wearing your Patriotic Hat to
Remote Learning
Week 7 & 8
May 4th - May 15th, 2020
Hi Everyone,
You are doing a fantastic job, keep up the Great Work!
I Miss you all!
Please click on the Shadow Monster Document below and then watch my video for directions!
Have Fun!
Please email me a picture of your Shadow Monster to
Remote Learing
Week 5 & 6
April 20th - May 1st, 2020
Please continue to work on your Earth Day Challenge.
If you have already completed your Earth Day Challenge
(due May 1st) please use this week to make up any challenges you have not completed.
Just scroll down for previous Challenges!
Please email me your challenge when it is complete to
Earth Day is Wednesday April 22
Happy Earth Day
Earth Day Toast Challenge
Earth Day Toast STEM Challenge.docx
Please email me your completed Challenge
2nd Grade STEAM Challenge
Week 4
April 6, 2020
Optional Easter STEAM Challenges
1. Stack the Eggs Challenge
Mrs. Casciano's Egg Tower is 11 inches high, can you build a higher one?
2. Protect a Peep Challenge
3. Easter LEGO Building
2nd Grade STEAM Challenge
Week 2 & 3
Due April 3, 2020
Please click on the link below and watch the Read Aloud
"Mae Among the Stars" by Roda Ahmed.
After you have watched the story please click on the Word Document below for your challenge and instructions.
Please email me a picture of your rocket and coding worksheet to [email protected]
2nd Grade Blast Off Rocket & ASCII Coding.docx
STEAM Challenge for the week of 3/16-3/20
Circles Creativity Challenge
Week 1
Kindergarten -2nd Grade:
Please complete the 12 Circle page.
Set a timer for 15 minutes.
You may allow more time if needed.
3rd-5th Grade:
Please complete the 30 Circle Page
Set a timer for 30 minutes.
You may allow more time if needed.
The purpose of this creativity challenge is to help students think outside the box.
12 or 30 Circles Recording Sheet
Pencil, Colored Pencils, Crayons or Markers
The goal of this challenge is to have your child turn as many circles as possible into recognizable objects in the time allowed. Before students begin, explain to them that the focus is not on the skill of the drawings. Rather, students should be more concerned with getting as many ideas generated as possible. Please click on the link below to print your child's circle page, set the timer and go. If more time is needed, please note where your child was when their alloted time was up.
Please email me your work and feel free to email me if you have any questions: [email protected]
30 Circles Challenge
Click the link for printable worksheets and instructions!