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Welcome to Pre-K 5






E-mail: [email protected]



Week of 6/03/24



Monday - 6/3 - Walking trip to Ralph's Ice. This trip is for students only. We will walk to Ralph's Ice as a class during our regular school day.  Please send back the permission slip and a sign up sheet for their flavor choice is outside the classroom.


*Promotion Day will be Tuesday, June 11th. Our class will come to school between 9:00-9:15. Please disregard the the 8:00am arrival time for students. Please send them to school empty handed. NO BACKPACKS, SNACKS OR WATER BOTTLES. Promotion Day is held in the AAC at 10:15am. You are allowed 6 guests for each student.  Please let me know how many people will be joining you.*



If your child stays for extended care he/she must have a DISPOSABLE snack in a paper bag labeled with their name.  This also includes a DISPOSABLE water. If your child does not stay regularly please send a note that morning letting me know they are staying and please take note of the new way of bringing snack.


It is hard to believe that our class has finished learning all the letters of the alphabet!!  From now until the end of the year, we will review our letters learned and the children will learn how to put together letters to make words, as well as review our numbers and shapes. Please review their letter books that have been sent home, as well as continue practicing writing their first and last name.  Remember this is just an introduction to what the boys and girls will learn in kindergarten. 


Communication is very important to your child's success. Please feel free to contact me at the above email at any time if you have any questions or concerns.  I will not be able to get back to you until the end of the school day, which is after 3pm.




Please send in a lunch that you child is able to finish on their own.  Be sure to send their lunch with two napkins; we use one for a placemat and one is to be used when they finish their lunch.




We will go out for recess everyday unless it is too cold or raining. Please have your child dressed appropriately for the weather and always wear closed toe shoes.  If your children come to school with rain or snow boots they need to have shoes to change into for the day.


We are looking forward to a great year!!


Warm Regards,

Mrs. Borrino 



























