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Bulletin Board 


 SNACK: Please send your child's snack in a SEPARATE brown (or eco- friendly) bag. In an effort to keep our classroom "peanut safe", please do not send in snacks that contain peanuts, peanut butter, or tree nuts. Also, please do not send in snacks that have sticky liquids such as yogurt and fruit cups. Please only send water for your child to drink during snack. 

TRANSPORTATION: We must have written notification of any changes in the way that your child is going home. Please send a note with your child for each
change. Please do not email me with transportation changes during the school day, as I may not check my email until after dismissal.

CLASSROOM READING: Please make sure that your child has a chapter book in class EVERY day

for D.E.A.R TIME (Drop Everything And Read)


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