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 Lipton Lemon Iced Tea Mix, Sweetened, Makes 10 Quarts (Pack of 6)   Chock Full o'Nuts Heavenly Coffee Original Medium Roast Ground Coffee 48 oz. Canister, Size: 48 fl oz

 Art Project for the Rainforest Play

Please send in an empty coffee, lemonade, ice tea or other similar shaped food container WITH the LID.



Class Trip - Friday, April 26th



Friday, April 26, is our class trip to the NJ State House. The bus will be picking us up promptly at 8:15 AM, so please arrive to school on time. Students are required to wear their full regular SLG uniform but are permitted to wear sneakers. Children may bring a light jacket or sweatshirt, but please be mindful that they are responsible for carrying their personal items. 




All students must bring a bagged/disposable lunch from home - no glass containers, glass drinks, and/or thermal water bottles. We will not be having snack, so please make sure you eat breakfast before arriving to school! We are scheduled to have lunch around 11:30 AM. 





Please send in a paper towel tube for a project by Wednesday.


STAR Testing for 3A

is Thursday, April 25 and May 2


 Please submit your Scholastic book order by Friday, March 26



 Practice your times tables with these online games:

Work on speed for the 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 times tables! 






Please email me with any questions or concerns at   

[email protected]