Welcome to Mrs. Gianelos’s
Team 8-1 Science!
POSTED NOV. 1st, 2017 (letter sent home)
November Parent-Teacher Conferences
Howell MS South
8th Grade Core Subject Teachers
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
If you would like to meet and discuss your child's progress, we are scheduling conferences between the following times:
Monday, 11/20: 12:30pm-2:00pm
Monday, 11/20: 4:00pm-5:30pm
Tuesday, 11/21: 12:30pm-2:00pm
*Please note: The conferences are ten minutes in length
For your convenience, the 8th grade core subject teachers are using an online appointment system to schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences. Please enter the following web address into your browser window and carefully follow the directions to schedule your appointments with specific teachers:
Please note that the conferences are on a first come, first serve basis. With that being said, priority conference times have been given to students/parents with pressing needs and/or academic difficulties.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
Thank you,
HMSS 8th Grade Core Subject Teachers
This year will be one of both learning and fun, as we explore the world around us as scientists. Our ultimate goal is to have both academic and personal growth.
8th grade Next Generation Science units include:
Scientific Practices & Engineering Design
(integrated into all units, STEM activities, & engineering design process)
Unit 1: Evidence of Common Ancestry
Unit 2: Natural Selection & Adaptation
Unit 3: Stability & Change of Earth
Unit 4: Human Impacts on Earth Systems & Global Climate Change
Unit 5: Relationships Among Forms of Energy
Unit 6: Thermal Energy
Unit 7: Electromagnetic Spectrum
Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
*best way to contact me; I check my email everyday!!!
Phone: 732-836-1327 EXT 6907
TWITTER: Follow along with our classroom on twitter by following Mrs. Gianelos @dgianelos
Website: https://app.oncoursesystems.com/school/webpagebykey?districtkey=howell&userkey=10917449
Schoology: Ask your child for their log-ins; this is best way to stay connected to our classroom!
Grading: The course expectations are to master the Next Generation Science Standards set for middle school students, therefore I use a standards-based grading system. In a standards-based grading and reporting system, grades reflect what a student knows and can do. This approach helps parents know the academic areas in which a student meets or exceeds expectations, needs challenge, or needs support.
*Extra Credit points may be earned a variety of ways(usually by bringing in a method of study the day of test).
No extra credit assignments will be offered!
1. TESTS/ LABS/ PROJECTS: 60% of total academic grade (Students will always get notice of major test, a study guide, a class day of review, and a QUIZLET to use as a study aid.) Projects are graded with rubrics and labs are scored based on data and claim-evidence-reasoning lab write up.
2. QUIZZES/ SHORT LABS/ CLASSWORK: 40% of total academic grade (You may have notebook quizzes, online quizzes using schoology and pop quizzes. ) Quizzes will cover standards covered in class. Quizzes are always posted on homework announcements. Short labs are labs that do not require a formal Claim, Evidence, Reasoning write-up. Classwork includes smaller assignments, such as Newsella articles.
3. Assignments: All class work and homework will be scored using a 4-point rubric and do not count towards final academic grade. (small labs, homework, or other work done in class)
4 = the assignment exceeds the objectives, and reflects excellent work.
3 = the assignment meets the objectives as required.
2 = the assignment meets some of the objective, but not others that were required.
1 = the assignment was submitted, but failed to meet the majority of the objectives.
0 = the assignment was not completed or turned in.
*Work submitted after the deadline will be recorded as a zero.
The Report Card will include a 4-point scale for ASSIGNMENTS, BEHAVIOR, and PREPAREDNESS.
Behavior and Preparedness are scored using a rubric over the course of the trimester.
Parent Portal: Please make sure you have your child’s parent portal information.
You should also share it with your child so he/she may check his/her progress.
To check your child's grades please do the following:
1. http://www.howell.k12.nj.us/ Click on Portal Button.
2. User name= Child's ID (can be found on ID card)
3. Password = birthday mm/dd/yy
* If there is a blank for an assignment grade, it means either I didn’t enter a grade yet or your child was absent.
It does not mean a zero. If there is any question as to a grade, please email me. I do NOT give zeros-instead a 50 will be placed in gradebook with a MI symbol for missing.
Absences/Make-Up Work:
All work is posted on SCHOOLOGY so there are no excuses to not be able to access missing assignments. Please make sure you look at the due dates of projects and when tests will be given. It is not necessary to pick up absent work for 1 day; team 8-1 teachers will catch you up the following day. If you need work sent home check SCHOOLOGY first and have a parent email homebase teacher for arrangements.
