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Ponchatoula High School

Physical Education Virtual Syllabus


Teachers & Contact Information: 


Timothy Mattei  [email protected]

Jennifer Drake   je[email protected]

Hank Tierny  [email protected] 

Joshua Dominguez  jos[email protected]

Douglas King  [email protected]

Scott Tribble  na[email protected]

Grading Break Down:


6 Week Written Test100 Points  (100 Points per 6 weeks)

Weekly Fitness Log50 Points(300 Points per 6 weeks)

Weekly Video Artifact Submission25 Points(150 Points per 6 weeks)

Weekly Video Responses25 Points(150 Points per 6 weeks)

Grading Scale:     A  = 93–100,  B = 85–92, C = 75- 84,  D  = 67-74, F  = 66 -0



Course Description:


Physical Education class is designed for students to develop overall personal fitness through exercise, skill development, and gaining knowledge related to physical fitness. Students will learn the importance of exercise and how it relates to a healthy lifestyle. In the virtual setting, this will be accomplished through conducting individual fitness activities, completion of video instruction and response and submission of personal video artifacts. 

Class Information


1. How will students submit work?


Students will submit work via OnCourse according to the due dates and directives posted on the teacher page and calendar.


2. When are tests/assessments?


Tests will be given on the Friday of the 5th week of each 6-week grading period.  Tests will be completed in the OnCourse Classroom. Refer to teacher announcements and web pages for test information.


3. How and when will teachers provide feedback?


 * Teachers will provide feedback to students by conducting daily Zoom meetings with each class at the designated class period. Additionally, students may contact teachers via email at any time.

* Teachers will grade submitted work and make notes on assignments when applicable.


4. How will students participate in virtual learning?


* Students are expected to participate in daily Zoom class meetings at their designated class time.

* Students are expected to complete and submit all assignments and activities that are posted on their teacher’s classroom and web pages.

* If students experience trouble accessing or turning in assignments, please contact the teacher for assistance. Late assignments will are subject to lower grades.


5. Email Procedures


* When sending assignment/class related emails, please use the following subject line format:

> First Name, Last Name, Class Period, Assignment Name

* Please maintain professional and polite language in the body of the email.

* Teachers will do their best to respond within 48 hours.