Skills your child will learn this year: How to use: graduated cylinder, triple beam balance, dissection kit, scapel, reading and applying lab procedures, how to utilize a textbook, summarize informational text, master standarized tests, test taking skills, measuring, interpreting results, writing a research report, writing lab reports.
Unit 1: Structure and Properties of Matter
Study Guide Unit 1 Study Guide.pdf
Game Codes (will be added later in the unit)
Unit 1 Quizizz Game (Homework Mode: You may play anytime):
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 898487, and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
Unit 1 Kahoot Game (To play at home: download the Kahoot app and use the link:
Challenge Pin: 0698895
Chem4Kids Reading (we used Ions and Bonding page):
Text and Video for the Periodic Table: Periodic Table ISN Notes Resources.pdf
Notes and Extras
How to read the periodic table:
9/20/19 Notes (Sample):
9/23/19 (Chem4Kids Reading Passage Notes Frame): Chem4Kids Reading Ions and Bonding Guided Notes.pdf
9/28/19 Notes (Atoms Foldable): Foldable Notes.JPG and the Nearpod: Atoms and Compounds Foldable Notes.pdf
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Animations:
Atoms, Elements, and Compounds Explanations:
Additional Molecules vs. Compounds Notes: 9-20 Notes Molecules vs Compounds.jpg
10/18/19 Notes Sample (Physical Properties Foldable): Properties Foldable Front.JPG Properties Foldable Inside.JPG and Mass, Volume, and Density Slides Presentations:
Student Reading: Unit 1 Student Reading.pdf
Article about new elements:
Notes and Extras
9/16 Notes (Atoms Foldable): Foldable Notes.JPG
How to read the periodic table:
Elements, Compounds, and Mixtures Animations:
Atoms, Elements, and Compounds Explanations:
9/20 Notes Sample (Molecules vs. Compounds): 9-20 Notes Molecules vs Compounds.jpg
Activities and Labs
Building Atoms Simulation Lab Sheet: Building Atoms Simulation.pdf
Building Atoms Simulation Website:
Molecules Matter Lab Sheet: Unit 1 molecules matter student lab(2).pdf
Atoms and Elements Quizizz (note: you can play with a small group if one of you signs on as the "teacher"):
Molecule Building Lab Sheet: Molecule Building Lab.pdf
Unit Unit 1 Study Guide.pdf 1 Study Guide
Boat Float Competition Lab 2018
- See your yellow density packet for help!
- Question Clues and References for Boat Lab: Boat Lab Question Clues(2).pdf
- Additional references:
- Absent for Boat Lab? Here is the makeup lab sheet: Buoyancy Makeup Lab.docx and here is the website to use: Note: You must use a desktop or laptop computer to complete this (like the computers in the Media Center). It uses Flash.
We'll research and share how the behavior of molecules of certain compounds are different than atoms of the elements that make them up. Here is the template we'll follow and a sample:
Elements and Compounds Research Project: Element and Compound Research Project.pdf
Elements and Compounds Research example
Wednesday, October 11th and Thursday, October 12th: We'll outline some physical properties of matter, how they are measured, and what they measure using a foldable. Then, we'll practice using triple beam balances and graduated cylinders to calculate density of rocks and other objects found in our classroom.
.pdf of our class Nearpod: Physical Properties Foldable.pdf
Friday, October 13th: We'll put our knowledge of density and buoyancy to the test as we design and test boats to see which holds the most weight and still floats.
Boat Float Lab Boat Float Competition Lab.docx
Question Clues and References for Boat Lab (and pages from yellow density packet) Boat Lab Question Clues(2).pdf
- Absent for Boat Lab? If this is the first lab you missed, you are excused. If you have missed more than one, here is the makeup lab sheet: Buoyancy Makeup Lab.docx and here is the website to use: Note: You must use a desktop or laptop computer to complete this (like the computers in the Media Center). It uses Flash.
Language of Science
Each week, we will study 10 of these words and you will have a quiz. Here is the master list: Language of Science Words Master List.pdf
Words 1-10 Quizlet:
Words 11-20 Quizlet:
Words 21-30 Quizlet:
Words 31-40 Quizlet:
Words 41-54 Quizlet:
Quizlet for all words:
Unit 2
Unit 2: Interactions of Matter
Unit 2 Study Guide: Unit 2 Study Guide.pdf
Unit 2 Quizizz Game (Homework Mode: You may play anytime):
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 765904, and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
Unit 2 Kahoot (To play at home: Create a sign-in as the teacher and then use another device like a phone to be the student)
Reading Passages
Solids Liquids and Gases Reading 10-19.pdf
Atoms and Molecules are in Motion Reading.pdf
Physical and Chemical Changes and Properties.pdf
Notes and Extra References
10/19 Sample Notes: Solids, Liquids, and Gases Matter Solid Liquid and Gas Sample Notes.pdf
Physical and Chemical Properties and Changes Foldable pics:
- Physical Chemical Properties Changes Foldable Outside.jpg
- Physical Chemical Properties Changes Foldable Inside.jpg
Activities and Labs
States of Matter Webquest Links: For Part I, click here. For Part II, clickhere. For Part III, click here.
Conduction Simulation for Conduction Lab:
Unit 2 Conduction Lab Student.pdf
Unit 2 Evaporation Lab Student.pdf
Unit 2 Condensation Lab Student.pdf
Slideshow Model Guidelines: Slideshow Model Guidelines.pdf
Slideshow Model Example: Sample Slideshow Model.pdf
Reading Passages
Unit 2 Changes in Energy at the Molecular Level.pdf
Notes and Extra References
10/14 Sample Notes: Changes in Energy on the Molecular Level Sample Notes - 10-14 Changes in Energy.jpg
Activities and Labs
States of Matter Webquest Links: For Part I, click here. For Part II, click here. For Part III, click here.
: We'll experiment with the rates of condensation of water with a lab. (No formal lab report - just lab sheet) Unit 2 Condensation Lab Student.pdf
: We'll use a foldable to organize the characteristics of physical and chemical properties
: We'll research chemical and physical changes in our world using a physical and chemical changes webquest. Chemical Physical Webquest 2015.docx Study guide goes home today.
T: We'll read about physical and chemical changes to determine key ideas of a reading passage and evidence of physical and chemical change.
: We'll identify 4 mystery powders using some tests and chemical and physical properties.
: We'll review for our test on Unit 2.
: We'll take our Unit 2 test.
Unit 3
Reading Passages
Chemical Reactions Chapter.pdf
Notes and Extra References
11/14 Sample Notes
Unit 3 Test Unit 3 Study Guide.pdf
Study Guide: Unit 3 Study Guide.pdf
Unit 3 Quizizz Game (Homework Mode: You may play anytime):
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code248164, and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
Unit 3 Kahoot Game(To play at home: Create a sign-in as the teacher and then use another device like a phone to be the student)
Chemical Reactions and Engineering Design Lab Report.docx)
Language of Science Quizlet at
Language of Science Final Quizizz: (Homework Mode: You may play anytime):
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 147042, and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
Notes and Extra References
11/14 Sample Notes
11/28 Sample Notes: Energy Change Sample Notes.jpg
Acid and Base Sample Notes:
Activities and Labs
6-1 What is a Chemical Reaction.pdf
6-2 Controlling the Amount of Products in a Reaction.pdf
6-4 Temperature and the Rate of Reaction.pdf
6-5 Catalysts and the Rate of Reaction.pdf
Balancing Chemical Reactions Simulation
Unit 4: Structure and Function
Study Guide: Unit 4 Study Guide.pdf
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 278294 , and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
Textbook: We will only use sections 1 and 3 Glencoe Green Chapter 8.pdf
Notes and Extras
Notes Packet: Chapter 8 notes.pdf
12/14 Nearpod (goes with 8-1 section of notes packet): Characteristics of Living Things Nearpod.pdf
12/15 green packet check your work 12-15 Notes page to check your work.png
12/15 Nearpod (goes with Organelle foldable): Organelle Nearpod.pdf
1/6 Nearpod (goes with Cell Theory foldable): Cell Theory Nearpod.pdf
Cell Organelle flash cards.pdf
Activities and Labs
Cell Analogy Project cell analogy project.pdf
Sample Keynote (a portion of project): cell analogy project University of PennCELLvania.pdf
Pond Lab pond lab(2).doc
Study Guide: Unit 4 Study Guide.pdf
Quizzizz Game:
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 269280, and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
Unit 4 Kahoot: (To play at home: Create a sign-in as the "teacher" using the link and then use another device like a phone to be the student)
Unit 5: Body Systems
No Study Guide (no test)
Human Body Final Project Human Body Systems Project.pdf
Notes and Extras
Interactive 2D and 3D Human Body
Activities and Labs
Human Body Webquest (will also serve as notes; 1/17 and 1/18) Human Body Webquest.pdf
Reaction Time Lab Catch It Reaction Time Lab - student.pdf
Reach Out and Touch Someone Lab Reach Out and Touch Someone.pdf
Frog Dissection - If you are absent for the actual lab, complete the virtual dissection
- Frog Dissection Lab.pdf
- Frog VIRTUAL Dissection.pdf
- Frog Diagram
Unit 6 Energy flow in organisms
Photosynthesis Quizizz Game (Homework Mode: You may play anytime):
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 567988, and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
Notes and Extras
Photosynthesis Green Packet.pdf
Activities and Labs
Photosynthesis Quiz (You need to know the following things about photosynthesis: reactants and products of the chemical reaction, where it takes place (what parts of the leaf and plant cells are used, all about chloroplasts/chlorophyll) (important vocabulary: stomata, chlorophyll, chloroplast, consumer, producer)) Play the practice Quizizz using code 567988!
Unit 6 Matter and Energy Study Guide.pdf)
Quizizz: (Homework Mode: You may play anytime):
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 976719, and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
Unit 7: Inheritance and Variation of Traits (Genetics)
Kahoot: (To play at home: Create a sign-in as the teacher and then use another device like a phone to be the student)
Genetics Practice Quiz: Genetics Quiz Practice.pdf
Answer Key to Practice Quiz: Genetics Quiz Practice KEY.pdf
Study Guide: Unit 7 Study Guide.pdf
Notes and Extras
Structure and Function of DNA.pdf
Activities and Labs
Friday, April 21st: Unit 7 test (see Study Guide: Unit 7 Study Guide.pdf) READY TO CHECK? HERE IS THE KEY: Unit 7 Study Guide Key.pdf
Quizizz: (Homework Mode: You may play anytime):
1. Open in your browser
2. Enter the 6-digit game code 946089, and click "Proceed"
3. Now enter your name and click "Join Game!"
4. You will get an avatar, and then see a "Start Game" button. Click it to begin!
Unit 8: Earth's Systems
Part A: How do we know Earth is 4.6 billion years old?
Notes and Extras
Unit 8 Guided Notes Part A.pdf
Part A Nearpod: Go to the Nearpod app and enter code ZSWPQ.
Link not working? Here it is as a pdf: Unit 8 Part A How do Fossils Form Nearpod.pdf
Unit 8 How do fossils form? answer key(green packet)
Activities and Labs
Notes and Extras
Solving a Sedimentary Puzzle Notes Key 5/2/17 Sedimentary Layers Puzzle.pdf
Unit 8 Guided Notes Part A.pdf
Need to check your notes? Here is the key: Unit 8 Part A Notes KEY.pdf
Part A Nearpod: Go to the Nearpod app and enter code ZSWPQ.
Link not working? Here it is as a pdf: Unit 8 Part A How do Fossils Form Nearpod.pdf
Mountain Building Vocabulary (in case you miss notes - you must be logged in to your HT account to access):
Mountain Photo Archive MountainPhotoArchive-1.pdf
Activities and Labs
Mountain Building Journal (must download):
Folded Mountains Extras:
Weathering, Erosion, and Deposition Webquest: Weathering Erosion and Deposition Webquest.pdf
Links/Logins for Webquest: WED Webquest Links(2).jpg
Compression, tension, shearing: