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Explanation of Reading Terms


  • Recognizes words automatically
  • Reads using the rhythm of natural spoken language
  • Reads with expression
  • Breaks text into meaningful “chunks” .i.e. peanut butter and jelly
  • Pauses at commas and periods
  • Changes sound of voice according to end punctuations

Reading Strategies

  • To decode an unfamiliar word use different strategies
  • The word should make sense in the sentence
  • The word should have the right sounds
  • The word should have the right letters

Example: The children strolled around the playground.

Stroked does not make sense and there is no “k” in the word so it does not have the right letters or sounds.

Context Clues


  • Using the meaning of the other words in a sentence to decode an unfamiliar word.

Example: My feet were cold so I put on a pair of moccasins.

The sentence is telling about putting something on your feet so moccasins must be a type of shoe.

Reading Comprehension

  • The degree to which we understand what we are reading.
  • Making connections/active prior knowledge
  • Questioning
  • Visualizing and Inferring
  • Decode Text
  • Predict
  • Monitor understanding
  • Reflect
  • Summarize