District Medication Policy
Medication may be given in school when a pupil’s health and continuing attendance in school requires it and it is administered in accordance with the medication policy. Here are some of the highlights of the policy.
All medications, prescription and over the counter, must be accompanied by a written request from a physician or advanced practice nurse. These orders must include the diagnosis or type of illness, name of drug, dosage, time of administration, length of time for which it is required, the side effects, interactions with other drugs and activity restrictions based on the medication. Written orders must be renewed on an annual basis.
The parent or guardian must also provide a written request for the administration of prescription and over the counter medications at school.
Medications must be brought to the school nurse in the original labeled container. Your pharmacy can provide additional labeled containers upon request. Over the counter medication must be received in the original, sealed container. Medications must be delivered to the school nurse by the pupil’s parent or guardian.
According to NJ Law, school nurses cannot administer alternative remedies such as herbal medications and essential oils.
All medication forms may be found on the wtschools.org website under > Parent Information> District Forms > Medical forms. Direct links to Asthma Action Plans and Emergency Health Care Plans for EpiPens are located as tabs to the left on our website.