Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who should I notify if my child will be absent from school?
If your child is going to be absent for any reason, please notify the school by 9:00AM by calling 908-850-3161. Please leave a reason for your child's absence (vomiting, fever, cough, strept throat, personal day or family day) rather than just stating "out" or "sick". Having this information enables us to track the type and class/ grade of illness activity.
A student who has been absent due to a communicable disease must present a note from their physician stating they are free of communicable disease.
2. What if my child has had surgery?
Please contact the school nurse to discuss any accommodations your child might require upon return to school.
To return to school a doctor's note of clearance to return is required. Any restrictions/accommodations the doctor may want should be included in the note.
- Please note if your child is restricted from participating in gym, outdoor recess activities will also be restricted. Recess is generally more physical and less structured than gym class.
If your child has gym restrictions, he/she will need a note of clearance to return to activities unless a return date is specified on the original note.
If your child requires medication, please have your physician complete the Medication Administration Permission Form which can be found on the district website under Parent Tab>Forms>Medication Forms.
3. What if my child needs to be excused from physical education?
Physical education is mandated in NJ. A parent’s request to have their child excused will be honored for 1 week; beyond that a written note from the physician is required.
- Students who are excused from PE may not participate in outdoor recess activities. Recess is generally more physical and less structured than PE class.
If your child has medically documented PE restrictions, he/she will need a note of clearance to return to activities unless a return date is specified on the original note.
4. Is Cucinella a "nut free" school?
Due to changes in school planning during COVID-19 --this statement may no longer be accurate.
- Cucinella is NOT a "nut free" school, however all instructional areas (classrooms) are peanut/tree nut free. All snacks provided to be eaten in class should be free of nuts and nut contamination. If a product states that it was processed on shared equipment or in a plant than manufactures nut products, it is not safe for the classroom.
- Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, granola bars and other food items containing nuts are sold in the cafeteria and may be eaten in the cafeteria.
- Allergen Friendly Tables are available for students with severe allergies.