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Social Studies

Grade 8

Mr. McGowan

email: [email protected]

Grade 8 students are expected to come to class prepared, with completed homework and all necessary materials.  This includes notebook, textbook, chromebook, looseleaf and pens.  Students will be informed of the necessity of bringing in any extra materials in advance.


Homework is to be completed when assigned.  If a student misses an assignment, he or she will have ONE  day to make up the work.



Ch. 6: Fall of the Roman Empire 

Ch. 8: The Early Middle Ages

Ch. 9: The High Middle Ages 

Ch. 10: Russia and Eastern Europe

Ch. 14: The Renaissance and Reformation

Ch. 11: The Islamic World

Ch. 12: Africa (if time allows)

Ch. 13: Asia (if time allows)




Students will prepare for Section quizzes and Chapter Tests. Some chapters will be broken into two parts, as they are quite long. Those chapters will have a Part 1 and Part 2 test. Homework is assigned most weeknights, and could be vocabulary, note-taking, comprehension questions, or geography questions or worksheets.  Geography worksheets will count as test grades. For some civilizations/chapters, students will complete projects. These also will count as test grades.


The 7th and 8th grade grading policy for Social Studies is Summative (tests, projects, essays, etc.) grades are 55% of the final grade; Formative (quizzes, homework, etc.) grades are 40%, and District Assessments are 5% of the final grade.


Conferences and Extra Help

Extra help in Social Studies is offered once a week at 8:00 AM. The day of the week varies due to the teacher's schedule, but it will be posted in the classroom for all students to see.

Mrs. Boyle is available for Parent Conferences at the following times: Mon. 12:55; Tues. 10:50; Wed. 10:50; Thurs. 12:55; Fri. 8:50



* Upcoming due dates for NHD: 11/18 - 4 Source Credibility Worksheets due

                                                12/2 - 4 Source Credibilty Worksheets due

                                                12/16  - Paragraph #2 of Process Paper due