How is my child graded?
Grading in the subject of Art, Music, etc... is based on 50 % participation and 50 % assessments.
Participation: One part of participation is to come to class prepared to move. Please note when your child has Physical Education and send them to school with clothes and sneakers that allow them to participate. For the older grades, participation is more then just coming to class prepared to's all about moving. The students are given movement goals on some days of class and using various forms of technology the students amount of movement is measured, and grades are are assigned if they meet that goal. You don't have to be the best athlete to get a good grade in this category, just come prepared ready to move, and move.
Assessments: For the younger grades assessments are rubric based, that include teacher observations and instructor led questions. The older grades include given classwork, as well as varous types of quizzes and assessments.