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August 2024


Smile and be kind.

Welcome to the new school year!

Exploring a Galexy of

Learning is our school theme.


Friday is "Spirt Day" wear your special Spirit Day tee shrit.




Please review your child's blue reading fluency folder and read the assignment very day. Thank you!



We have some SUPER exciting rewards and incentives in place for meeting their A.R. goal!


What is A.R?


AR stands for Accelerated Reader, which is a software program created by the company Reading Renaissance.  AR is essentially a program that allows for individualized reading and testing based on your child’s independent reading level.  The program allows for the students (and teaches) how to select books for themselves on their level, that interests them as well as challenges them, and best of all…teaches them a lot of independence.  Students love the fact that they get to choose their own books.  As they check out, read, and test on books, we are constantly monitoring their progress and average percentage.  Each student is given a point goal as well as an average percent that they need to maintain.  As the student reaches a point where their color (reading level) is too easy, they are moved up to the next color.  Please encourage your child to read EVERY NIGHT. You can monitor their progression toward their goal by logging in to your child’s Renaissance account.  Please let us know if you need the directions on how to do that sent home again. If your child does not reach their goal for the quarter, they will have an opportunity to “get a jump” on the following quarter’s goal by reading during the celebration. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s point goal, please contact us. It is going to be a great year!!




If your child meets their individual quarterly goal, and maintains their average percent correct goal, by the deadline dates below, they can attend the quarterly A.R. celebration. Those celebrations are as follows:



Quarter               Celebration


1st Quarter          AR Party


2nd Quarter          AR Party


3rd Quarter           AR Party


4th Quarter           AR Party




Homework and helping to guide your child's progress:





 Second, Third and Fourth Grade Homework

Monday-Thursday Daily Reading Practice




Educational Websites used in the classroom Great ideas to help parents at home



Center for Autism & Related Disabilities (CARD)

Card Learning Curve Website

The following page to view general ideas for developing partnerships with families and the community:

Autistic children get trial run for air travel

Florida’ s Positive Behavior Support Project website

Read the following fact sheet developed by the Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) for basic information related to reinforcement:

Red the following for The Leader in Me