Welcome to Pre-Kindergarten
with Mrs.Chacker!
2024 ~ 2025
I welcome your family to The Aura Early Learning Center and to Pre-Kindergarten! We are about to embark on a new adventure with our friend, "Pete the Cat" every day! Join us for an exciting ride this year! Creative Curriculum is our Pre-K program!

Any questions that you have, please contact me directly:
[email protected]
As we grow together, you will see amazing changes in your child. I look forward to a great school year!

- Monthly calendars have been given out before school begins to inform you of all activities and important events in classrooms!
- Instructions for Google Classroom and Class Dojo are on site!
Books to Read to start your year off right
with Pete and friends!

See you soon!
Educationally yours,
Mrs. Chacker
Our class theme is "Pete the Cat!"
Mrs. Chacker and Mrs. Thumlert can't wait to see you EVERY DAY! Take a look below to see what is new in Pre-K every week and check out our new books!
We look forward to lots of fun activities in May!

Welcome to Pre-Kindergarten Families!
We are having an amazing time in Pre-K and are excited to complete December activities! School is cool! We are embarking on a new journey this year and we invite you to come along for the ride! We have been so excited to see you! We will have fun learning and playing together!

A special poem for your little one:
Pre- K is Here!
Today I hurry off to Pre-K,
To work and learn and play,
I'm in a brand new school this year,
What a happy day

See you next week!
GOOGLE CLASSROOM ~ Later on in the year!
Navigate and look at our Google Classroom, "Stream." This is for announcements for PreKindergarten and general school announcements. Then, navigate to "Classwork." You will find assignments, and fun activities posted for your child to complete daily. Make sure that you hand in assignments for credit for your child! If you need help, go to the bottom of the page for parent instructions.
Also, our favorite site, "Tools of the Mind" portal gives your child a bit of independence to click onto many activities that correlate with our themes. Award-winning read-aloud books, games, math and literacy activities are posted for the " Child Centers." Every activity is explained to parents in the "Parent Center."
1. Please navigate to Google Classroom, "Stream".
2. Tools of the Mind can be found under "Stream."
September topics include: "Pete the Cat!" "All About Me" anf "Family!" for Tools of the Mind. This has creative and interesting activities that our children love! We are working on Numbers 1 - 5 We will also have fun completing "Chester and the Kissing Hand!"
LITERACY: Concentration on letter identification and printing letters. Use of our Tools Sound Map for letter/sound association, concepts of print are important.
WRITING: We are using Play Plans daily to record and print messages for our intentional make-believe play as well as language development. We use writing skills in every subject area to promote early reading skills for young children.
MATH: Counting Skills are reinforced, printing numerals, number correspondence (1to 1), identification of numbers, shapes and sorting skills are taught, Graphing with weather charts, Tools of the Mind activities for adding, subtracting and counting games as well as memory games are also utilized.
SCIENCE: Topics that include seasonal fun as well as writing skills introduced in Science and all subject areas.
Please contact us if you have any questions at all! Chackers@auraelementary,us andrlrmrnysty.us [email protected]
Educationally yours,
Mrs. Chacker
We are enjoying sign language every day. Join us in learning new signs!

Please click the link below for my Google Classroom. Look below for Parent Tutorial.
Let's begin by learning using easy steps:
These easy directions are for you via G-Mail.
How to Access Google Classroom from G-mail
Below you will find the steps needed to help your child log-in from G-mail.
1. Go to www.gmail.com.
2. Log-in to their Google E-mail account.

3.Once signed in, click on the 9 square at the top, right- hand side of the page.

4. Click the classroom icon. 
5. Click on Pre-K 2022- 2023 with "Pete the Cat" background.
Click Here for Mrs. Chacker and Mrs. Thumlert's Google Classroom

Click Here for Mrs. Chackers Google Classroom
Book an appointment with me! Click here!
Good Morning Pre-K! Today is Thursday, June 18, 2020.
Your child's handprint book will be ready for you Friday, June 19th from 1 PM - 3 PM at school. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
This book is a keepsake collection of your child's handprints as they grew since September. It has been a tradition for Pre-K.
Report Cards will be scanned to you shortly. Mrs. Chacker will complete PM and Ms. Cramer will complete AM.
Today is "You" Day!
Today is a half day! Have fun with the virtual concet and virtual fun day. Mrs. Chacker has a silly game for you to do!
Click here: -Virtual Concert - Please click on this link for our Virtual Concert. Some of you may have to “download” it once you click the link. Thank you to Mr. Knauss and all of the performers.
Click here: Virtual Fun Day - Special thanks to Mr. Cougle, Miss Malloy, and the whole crew who pitched in to make this fun for our students! Have fun!!
This is our last week of school. It is going to be an extra special day! Today is Fun Day!
4. Make your own obstacle course at home!

Here are the direct links for Alphabet Countdown!
Our Pre-K birthdays
July August
July 9~ Sophia Dreyer August 1 ~Johnny Pizzo
July 18~ Colton Montgomery August 18 ~ Jeremiah Cortes
July 21st~ Bruce August 28~ Mrs. Leone
July 28th~ Joseph
Please note follow these directions:
Mrs. Chacker will provide Literacy activities daily on this website.
Ms. Cramer will provide Math activities daily on her website.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
Please email both of us.
Many parents asked about goals before Kindergarten, What are they? View chart below. Remember, not all of these goals will apply to each child. It is perfectly normal to only attain a few or some.