This is your very important US 1 webpage. Get to know it. Use it. Love it. I will try my hardest to keep it up to date.
This is the link for the online textbook:
HAMILTON PROJECT STUFF IS DUE 9/27 in the Hamilton Google Classroom and in your US 1 GC. All release forms are due 9/24, no exceptions!!
WE THE PEOPLE HEARINGS (coming up in November/December!)
Here's the link to how to set up the cards: CARD SETUP
Here are the things you MUST MUST MUST include in your cases:
- The who, what, when, where, how, and why of the case.
- Who brought the case to the Supreme Court and why?
- Why did they think they were right and the other side was wrong?
- Why did the Court decide to hear the case?
- What law/amendment/right is being challenged?
- Why did the one side (petitioner) think they were right and the other side (respondent) was wrong?
- What right/amendment/law did they think was being challenged?
- What facts were presented to prove their argument?
3. How did the Supreme Court of the US rule?
- Provide the reasons for their ruling.
- Was it a unanimous decision? If not, who dissented and what was the reason they dissented?
- What is the Constitutional application of this ruling? (How do they use the Constitution to explain their decision?)
4. How would you have ruled?
- Why do you agree/disagree with the Court?
5. Any current events or more recent cases asociated with your case
6. How do you think the Founders (Federalists/Antifederalists) would have felt about the decision?
1st marking period
Please bring a notebook. You need a 3- or 5- subject spiral bound notebook with perforated pages, or a looseleaf binder (bring your own paper). You should also have a pen, several highlighters, and a glue stick, tape or a tiny stapler. You need to bring your notebook, which is dedicated to this class only, EVERY DAY!