page contents

Mrs. Chamberlain’s  Classroom Schedule 



8:15- 8:30        Arrival/Unpack/Morning Routines

8:30-8:50        Breakfast/Bathroom/Sensory Breaks/Brain Breaks

8:50-9:10         Morning Meeting

9:10-10:00       Fundations Lesson

10:00-10:40     Literacy Centers (1:1 and small group)

10:40-11:30      Story

11:30-12:15      Lunch/Recess

12:15-1:00       Math Centers (1:1 and Small Group)

1:00-1:40        Snack/Bathroom/Music & Movement

1:45-2:25       Specials

2:30-3:05       SS/Science
3:05-3:15        Pack Up/Dismissal


~As I get info about speech, OT, and PT, I will message you your child's individualized schedule.~