Welcome to my page
Ms Hosmer
All of my assignments and homework will be listed on the
Schoology Platform.
Schoology K-12:
Student Access Schoology by visiting the website: bboed.schoology.com
Login Credentials for both your student Chromebook and Schoology are your Student First Name followed by Student Last Name followed by last two digits of your senior graduation year and followed by @students.bboed.org
(Example [email protected]) Your password is bboed followed by your student ID number (NO SPACES)
username (example): [email protected]
password (example): bboed123456 (No SPACES)
More information about Schoology and other online resources can be found on the Student tab of the BBOED Website at: bboed.org
Please make sure you keep up with the
Schoology for assignments.
Schoology assignments are graded there first.
Check those grades as well as realtime.
I dont put things into realtime until i have the whole class completed on schoology...
If you hand in something late it will Remain a 0 as I do NOT accept late assignments!
Be Respectful-Be Responsible-Build Relationships
Daily Grades
Homework & Participation Grades:
Some homework will be randomly graded each grading period.
Assessment Grades
Occasionally there will be announced quizzes. Quizzes will count as test grades.
There will be 3 to 6 tests each grading period which may, or may not, be pencil-and-paper tests. NO TEST GRADES WILL BE DROPPED.
Writing Assignments:
There will be several guided inquries and projects each grading period, including books and movie reviews. Some will be considered homework grades and other will be considered as test grades and others as lab grades. You will be informed at the time of the assignment.
All students will take the Quarterly. These grades are not counted into your final marking period grade and are counted toward the exam grade in realtime.
Grading Scale:
The grading scale is the same as used by the rest of the school.
70% test grades (found in schoology and for Biology will be Savvas)
20% Classwork (also found in schoology and savvas for Biology)
Homework 10% (also found in schoology and in Savvas for Biology)
Grades are refected in the Schoology and Savvas Platform and than transferred into the Realtime portal twice a marking period.
How grades are determined:
Since there are multiple platforms in Biology, Schoology grades are just for schoology work, savvas grades are for savvas work.
I upload both gradebooks I realtime twice a marking period. Once before Progress reports and once before marking period grades are due.
That includes tests and quizzes from savvas and schology and also any project or extra credit.
Savvas Playlists
CER work in Schoology
Guided Inguiries I Schoology
Playlists in Savvas
Any homework in Schoology
Extra Credit:
Make-up Work:
It is the student's responsibility to get make-up assignments and notes from the teacher or from another student or the internet. It is also the student's responsibility to present the teacher with the excused absence slip, if he/she has one. All of this should be done at time respectful of the class’s time. If the teacher is not presented with an excused absence slip, you will receive no grade for that class day. Quizzes may not be made up. However, the missed grade will not count against students with excused absences.
Late Work:
Deadlines are one of the more important consequences of the real world. In light of such, late work is highly discouraged. In the case of extreme circumstances, exceptions could occur. Such allowances may only be achieved by private conference between teacher and student.
Grades can be found in Schoology (and Savvas for Biology). Twice a marking period grades will be tranferred into Realtime portal.