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How do I study math?  That is a common question as students move into higher grades with greater expectations from their math teachers.  We now have extra steps and procedures.  It is no longer memorization of facts.  Where before, studying math may have included flash cards, those just don't meet our needs anymore.


To study math, students need to DO math.  Students need to practice the procedure so that no matter which set of numbers is presented to them, they know the steps to solving each problem.  First, look at any notes you may have been given.  If there is vocabulary, make sure you know it.  Then, go back through example problems or your homework practice book.  Your practice book is an excellent resource.  We check all of the answers for our homework problems, so the homework becomes a study guide, and your corrected answers become an answer key.  Select problems from each lesson and rewrite those problems on a separate piece of paper.  Close your practice book and take your quiz.  Once you are done, go back to the practice book to check your answers.  If you got the problems right, you're good!  If the answer is incorrect, you should have the correct work and answer written in your practice book to fix any mistakes.