Dear Parents,
Welcome to first grade at Burnt Hickory Elementary!! I am so excited about the learning experiences that I will be able to share with your child. This will be my 26th year teaching in the primary grades. Every year brings new excitement. I know we will have a fun year of learning and growing!
We begin the year with a few weeks of review to help your child recall what they learned in kindergarten and to give them a good sense of accomplishment about what they already know.
The Welcome to First Grade Welcome Back brochure will tell you more about first grade and our class. Please read and keep it to refer to later when you need information. If you have any questions you may call me at school (678-363-0970) or send an email to [email protected]. Please note; anything pertaining to your child’s transportation change during the school day must go through the front office. You never can tell when our server might go down and I do not receive the information.
Our classroom is a positive place where children will be rewarded for appropriate behavior daily. The classroom rules are: Be respectful. Be prepared. Follow directions the first time. Keep your hands and your feet to yourself. Listen and raise your hand. HAVE FUN!
Positive behavior is reinforced using praise, awards, stickers, treasure box, tickets, and special privileges that coincide with “Dojo points.”
Children will always be warned and allowed to correct behavior, (unless it requires immediate intervention for safety’s sake) before any discipline action is taken.
When rules and warnings are broken, a child will be asked to change their behavior code to a different color:
1st Warning= “crack down” -No color change- 5 minutes time out from free play or walk 3 laps.
Green- Great day “You’re on your own…and you know what you know. And your are the one who will decide where to go!” ~Dr. Seuss
Yellow- Warning broken- 10 minutes time out from free play/activity or laps. “Think left and think right. Think low and think high. Oh! The thinks you can think up if only you try.” ~ Dr. Seuss.
Red- Teacher’s choice. “You have brains in your head; you have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose!” ~ Dr. Seuss.
Blue- Severe disruption. Time out in another classroom or office. Parent will be contacted to discuss ways to improve behavior. “Don’t give up, I believe in you all. A person’s a person, no matter how small.” ~ Dr. Seuss.
At the end of the day, your child will color a hat on their behavior sheet, which is located in their SEUSS Folder. If the hat is not green, there will also be a number to correspond with a rule broken. You can find the numbers that correspond with the rules at the bottom of the sheet. This will enable you to talk with your child about what changes they could make in their behavior to receive a green hat. Please initial by the hat each night and return the SEUSS Folder to school each day. Please encourage your child every day to earn their green!
Thank you for working with me to make this school year a great one for your child. When we work together, your child’s first grade year is guaranteed to be a positive experience!
I am looking forward to a super fantastic year!!
Sheri Sullivan
Click here for the Back to School Brochure