page contents
Put an end to bullying.     

What is Bullying?

Physical or psychological intimidation that occurs repeatedly over time.

Please someone help me!I'm gonna get you!
Who are bullies?
Children who bully typically demonstrate a strong sense of self-esteem
and they like to feel powerful and in control.
Be an friend not a bully.
Who are the victims of bullies?

Children who are bullied perceive parent or teacher intervention
to be ineffective and are unlikely to report the problem.

What are the long term implications of being bullied?
Why does everyone hate me?  Why me?
Children who are bullied often experience low self-esteem
and depression even into adulthood.
Children who are bullied perceive school as an unsafe
place and are likely to miss more days of school than their peers,
as a result their education is negatively affected.

What can I do?
Stand up for what is right!
When you see someone being bullied, say something or tell an adult.
Keeping quite is not a solution. 
Game Time!
Beat the Bully!

Take the peer pressure quiz!
Great Websites click on the pictures

What can I do?

Stop the BULLYING!

Suggested Reading
Bullying ends NOW!

"Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind.”
  ~Dr. Seuss