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Welcome to 2nd Grade



Welcome to 2nd Grade at Clara Hall Elementary School. My name is Mrs. Wells, and I will be your child’s teacher this year. Get ready for an AMAZING journey of learning. As a 2nd grader, your child will be taking on more responsibility as he/she embarks on an incredible adventure filled with wonderful activities and experiences.


In our school, learning is a team effort, were we work together in achieving a common goal. To do this, I will utilize every available minute of our day to enrich your child’s learning, send homework which supports classroom instruction, and keep you informed by sending home a weekly sampling of your child’s work.


We know that parent involvement is essential in maximizing the benefits the child gets from his/her school experience. Regardless of the experience and expertise of the teacher, research shows that the biggest and most important factor in a student’s success is the involvement of the PARENT in daily school experiences. I urge you to become involved by helping your child with homework and projects, attending school meetings and conferences, talking to your child about his/her school experiences, and participating in your child’s education daily. Please feel free to contact me when you have any questions or concerns through the remind app attached.


As you can see, we are in this together! I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to get to know you and your child this year. Each child comes to school with special talents and specific needs. This year, I will work with your child to build on their talents and address their needs.




Mrs. Wells


Contact Me:


[email protected]


Mrs. Wells’s Classroom Rules


  1. Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat.
  2. Respect yourself and others.
  3. Pay attention and follow directions.
  4. Always try your best.


  1. Warning
  2. Conduct Mark
  3. Loss of Privileges
  4. Contact Parents


  1. Praise
  2. Stickers
  3. Treats
  4. Bonus Time


If behavior is to the extreme, a referral will be given.