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Curriculum for CP/Honors  Biology for the 2024-2025  School Year.

Marking Period  1  Lab safety  
-  Carbon compounds, nutrition, chemical reactions and enzymes, photosynthesis, cellular respiration/fermentation.   Homeostasis, specialized cells, feedback mechanisms, and interacting systems  

Marking Period  2  -    DNA, Mendelian Genetics,  Protein Synthesis, Mutations,  Human Chromosomes, and Genetic Disorders. Selective breeding, Biotechnology. 


Marking Period 3  Evolution, Classification with DNA, Patterns of Evolution. 


Marking period  4  The Biosphere, Energy, Producers, Consumers-flow of energy. Cycles of matter.  Populations, habitats, niches, Biodiversity. Human Impact on the Environment.  




Curriculum for Anatomy/Physiology


Unit 1 Organization- Cellular Chemistry, Introduction to A&P, Tissues

Unit 2  Support and Movement- Integument, Skeletal and Muscular Systems

Unit 3.  Integration and Coordination- Nervous and Endocrine System

Unit 4  Transport- Cardiovascular, Lymph, and Immune System

Unit 5. Absorption and Excretion- Digestive, Respiratory and Urinary Systems

Unit 6   Human Life Cycle-  Reproductive System