Below you will find essay writing tips, MLA Format information and a variety of rubrics.
*Remember: when using books to conduct research, you will never read all of the books... look in the index and table of conetents to cut down your search.
Dr. De Fina's Writing Tips.pdf
Peer Editing Highlighting Sheet.doc APA, MLA, Chicago, and other writing tips
- Rutgers Beginner's Guide to Research Activity - Research Writing Tips
Elements of a Proficient Essay Graphic Organizer.doc
Embedding Quotations Example.pdf
Essay Writing Tips Handout.doc
MLA Style of Documenting Sources.pdf
MLA Format, In-Text Citation, and Works Cited Information.doc
Research Brainstorm Sheet
I. Topic:
II. Clearly state your goal:
III. Thesis statement
IV. I already know:
V. I need to know:
VI. Possible form of Presentation:
VII. What resources (books, magazines, people, teachers, movies, websites,…) will help me learn about the problem? Where can I find them? BE SPECIFIC
VIII. Before I conduct my research what predictions can I make about possible causes, effects, and/or solutions?
Throughout the course of the school year you will be asked to examine history from a variety of perspectives. In addition, at some points you will be asked to work on a variety of document based questions and essay topics. Each of these tasks will require you to analyze, think critically and use primary and secondary sources to validate your answer. P.E.G.S. should be used as the basis to analyze the topics of study. These four perspectives will help you focus or guide you through a history course and should be used when writing an essay.
Political |
Economic |
Geographic |
Social |
Your example:
Your example:
Your example:
Your example:
Formula for Short Answer Questions.doc
Formula for Short Answer Questions (can be applied to essay questions and topics too):
Answer: Choose a position, introduce the topic, provide some insight, and discuss your answer. Then lead into your support (in-text citation).
Cite: Provide the reader with a piece of support that justifies your position. Cite it properly by placing quotations around the statement followed by parentheses with the author’s last name and page number inside followed by a period. Examples, “Statement/support” (last name 100).
Explain: Never end an answer or paragraph with a piece of support, always make sure to provide an adequate explanation for each piece of support. Now that you have answered the question and you have provided support, explain the quoted piece and how it relates to your answer.