Chapter 6
"Liberty, Equality, Fraternity"
Motto of the French Revolution (Sect. 2)
"Order, Security, Efficiency"
Slogan of Napoleon's regime (Sect. 4)
What would have made a good motto for Metternich's Congress of Vienna? (Sect. 5)
Chapter 8
"Independence and Liberty"
From Fr. Hidalgo's "Cry of Dolores" (Sect. 3)
What would have made a good motto for the peoples of the "Springtime of Nations"?(Sect. 2)
Chapter 10
"Orthodoxy, Autocracy, Nationalism"
Motto of Czar Nicholas I (symbolizing the three pillars of absolutism) (Sect. 5)
"For the Faith, the Czar, the Fatherland"
War Slogan of Czar Nicholas II (Sect. 5)
What would have made a good motto for Bismarck? (Sect's 1 & 2)
What would have made a good motto for di Cavour? For Garibaldi? (Sect. 3)
Chapter 12
"Nationalism, Democracy, Livelihood"
Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People
Chapter 17
"Believe! Obey! Fight!"
A Slogan of Facsist Italy
"Duty, Honor, Country"
What school's motto is this?
"God, Honor, Fatherland"
What country's motto is this?
"One People, One Empire, One Leader"
What country once had this as one of its mottos?