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Mr. Sangi's Classes 2019-2020
World History and U.S. History

This year, September 2022, marks the 93rd consecutive year that a member of my immediate family has been teaching in Bayone High School and/or The Bayonne Board of Education.

My father began in 1929.

I am here now.


Welcome to the wonderful world of historiography, website research, the readings and writings of those who preceeded us, art, music, original artifacts and the histerical, historical truth.

If you are lucky enough to pay attention you might learn the truth about the origins of original politial thought, Greek traditions and Roman laws, English common law from the Magna Carta up to today, the 'croisant', the important role that whiskey and rum played in the American Revolution, General Washington's hippo teeth and his homespun inauguration suit, all those French folks who got beheaded by the guillotine, the recipe for 'Chicken Marengo', Napoleon's best effort to freeze and kill half a million men, Madison's Constitution, Alexander Hamilton's National Bank, Jefferson's National Road, Lewis, Clarke, Charbenoux, Sacagewea, Jackson's inaugral party at the White House and that large wheel of stinky cheese, the Empires of Europe's best efforts to slice up Africa and Asia for fun and profit, the Spinning Jenny, the Morris Canal, the rise of mid-western Republicans and Lincoln's assent to the Presidency, all that noise in Virginia and the southern states in the 1860's, Maximilion and Mexican beer production, cowboys, Kaisers, Czars, Emporers, Fuhrers, Facists, Marxists, Socialists, communists, Arch Dukes, 'no man's land', mustard gas, trenches, Zeros, Messerschmidts,  Flying Fortresses and always our United States of America and our Democracy stepping in to save the day!! 


Make sure your pencil is sharp, you ate a good breakfast and don't forget your notebooks.

Every student is expected to 'be prepared' and to 'do your best'. Hard work and the satisfaction of a job well done will always result in good grades.

My door is always open.

(If you can't access my websites from here, Google 'em!)
US1 (sophomores): The first two marking periods we will be using the book We The People. We will learn about the ideas of individual thought and self governance, not unlike your first week in WH9. You will work individually and in groups, you will be offered readings and ideas to research and comment on. This is a thinking class, not just the memorization of names and dates. You must create the answers from your own thoughts. By Christmas break, we will break into groups of 4 or so and create 'four minute' group answers to Constitutional questions. Your groups will present their answers before a panel of stoic, Social Studies curmudgeons.
Marking Periods 3 and 4 we will switch to the large, heavy United States History book and will follow our country's history from President George Washington choosing his cabinet all the way through to the era of the cowboys and progressive politics, trying to make things better for our citizens. Pay attention, you might learn something about our town and state during all of this.
WH9 (freshmen): This is not grammar school. You are now becoming young men and women. The Enlightenment, (perhaps your enlightenment, too) will start off our year. Men apply science, math, education to everyday life. Parliaments get elected, Prime Ministers hold sway over them, Empires rise and fall, colonialism takes hold in far off lands, more Empires, more blood and more bullets than anyone can shake a stick at, political unrest, religious intolerance which has carried forth to today. And where has it all led to? You'll find that out in the 4th Marking Period. Prepare yourself for online research, reading, original writing and picture printing. 

US2 (Juniors): My father was born in 1909. His parents were immigrants to this country in 1900. He grew up during WWI, he was Bayonne High School student during the Roaring '20's, the 1927 Yankess and Murder's Row, he taught in Bayonne High School during the Great Depression, The New Deal, FDR, he served for five years as an officer in WWII, he taught during the Cold War, Harry Truman, the '50's rock and roll upheaval, the '60's, the Hippies, the counter Revolution, Viet Nam, Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, Carter, the Iran Hostages, Ronald Reagan, raised five children, was 50 years employed by the Bayonne of Education, 80 years a citizen as a 'mover and shaker' in the City of Bayonne...AND SO WILL YOU. There will be many questions, and you will find answers to all of them.


I.) The following are unacceptable responses or excuses:

"I don't understand." (pay attention, stop complaining, you will)
"I hate this stuff, it's boring." (you're right, it is)
"Why do we have to learn this stuff?" (State regulations and I require it, so there)
"I never failed this in grammar school." (this ain't grammar school)
"What can I do to raise my grade?" (ALL that work you didn't do)
"But I was sick/absent/on vacation." (you're back in class now. Make Up the Work You Missed)
"But I can't fail!" (you might)
"My mother will kill me!" (she will)
"I hate this class" (I don't care, do my work)
II.) Mr. Sangi's Classroom Rules
1. Be Prepared! Every day- notebook, textbook, pen and pencils!
2. Do Your Best! If you TRY, I will know and it will show.
See the resource binder for your class/ come in prepared to take any missed test at 0 period (7:50am or at 2:45pm)
4a. Raise your hand for questions and answers.
4b. Raise your hand for the bathroom, sign out and in, take the ClassPass.
5. Class does NOT end with the bell. It ends when I dismiss you.
6a. Late? Bring a pass.
6b. Don't be late.
7. Absent? See Rule #3.
8. CUT MY CLASS???   NOT!!!
9. This is not Grammar School! You are no longer a child!! You are responsible for all my work and for all your actions.
10. M.M.S.H.
(pay special attention to #'s 1, 2, 3, 9 and especially 10.) 
III.) Mr. Sangi's Class Supplies
1. FOUR (4) black and white marbled notebooks (1 per marking period). DO NOT share my notebook with other classes!!
2. ONE (1) pkg. of lined essay paper. DO NOT tear pages from your notebook. I will not accept the work!!
3. A folder with pockets - to be used to save all returned and graded Homework, Essays, Tests. All to be used as study guides.
4. Pens. Dark blue or black. No other colors will be graded. Try me. (Oh, and be prepared to write in cursive!!!)
5. Five or Six (5-6) colored pencils for map work and highlighting. Don't buy these, borrow them from your little brother/sister.
6.  One (1) Brown paper bag to make into a textbook cover. NO Booksox!! 
(Your Textbook Cover = a Homework Grade. Brown paper only. Figure it out and cover it - NOT your parents. Try google.)