Welcome Parents, Guardians, and Students:
This year the Bayonne Board of Education will be using
schoology for our online instruction!
Students access Schoology by visiting the website: bboed.schoology.com
Login Credentials for both your student Chromebook and Schoology are....
your First Name, Last Name, and the last two digits of your graduation year,
followed by @students.bboed.org.
Your password is bboed followed by your student ID number (NO SPACES)
Example username: John [email protected] Example password:
Algebra 2:
on-line textbook: my.hrw.com
username: modonnell434
password: algebra2
on-line textbook: my.hrw.com
username: modonnell433
password: geometry
Click links for graduation requirements:
3. GraduationAssessmentRequirements.pdf