Class Expectations
NO Electronic Gadgets of Any Kind are Permitted in Class:
Including cell phones, iPods, earphones, cameras, etc...
Student attendance is crucial.
If you are absent (excused, field trip, doctor's appointment, suspended or sick), please check the homework website.
Upon your return, speak to Mrs. Lavery about work you have missed, also turn in any homework or assignments.
You are responsible for ALL missed work.
Once you are in the classroom, you will NOT be able to go to your locker
Materials Needed DAILY:
3 ring binder and loose leaf paper (for Biology ONLY)
Blue or Black Pen and a Pencil
Colored Pencils or Crayons
Rules and Responsiblities:
All school rules apply (lates, cuts, dress code, etc from student handbook)
Specific classroom expectations are posted throughout the room.
Students should be respectful at all times and arrive to class on time.
The uniform policy will be strictly enforced and you will be written up for a dress code violation.
Class will be begin at the bell, daily assignments are posted on the front blackboard in classroom.
Lateness will not be tolerated!!
Homework and Class Participation:
Homework will be given most days of the week and is due the next school day.
Homework assignments will not be given a numerical grade, but will be graded as complete or incomplete.
Acceptance of late assignments is at my discretion, for reduced credit.
Class work grades are based on written work, class participation/discussion, being prepared for class(binder/pen/pencil/highlighter/folder/colored pencils) and proper classroom behavior.
While you are encouraged to work together, you are responsible for your own work and assignment that will be turned in.
Students that have copied someone's work, will receive a ZERO on that assignment or test.