Requirements and Expectations
Algebra 1/Algebra 1 Honors
Teacher: Mrs. Heather Natoli
Email: [email protected]
Online Textbook:
Username: N20182
Password Natoli2
Google classroom codes
Period 0: mnji0is
Period 7: tnr278
Course Description:
In this course students learn advanced algebraic number systems, operations, and forms. Students engage in activities which require them to communicate using the language of algebra, explore variations, graphs, linear relations, matrices, systems, parabolas and quadratic equations, quadratic relations, polynomials, functions, powers, roots, exponents, logarithms, trigonometry, and statistics. The course emphasizes problem solving.
Attendance Policies: It is so important that you come to class on time and ready to learn EVERYDAY. Please do not be late to class.
- If you are late/absent for class the consequences are:
- 3 CUTS = WN (withdrawn no credit)
- 10 absences = No Credit
- CUTTING CLASS = UNEXCUSED ABSENCE!!! I will NOT allow any make up work for any student who cuts my class.
- Student MUST come prepared to class each day, which means he/she must bring textbook, workbook, binder and pencil daily.
- Your notebook should be a loose-leaf, three ring binder. (I give out printed notes so this is highly recommended!) It should also only be for this subject!!!!
- Homework must be completed as assigned (no extra credit!!!).
- Work must be shown to support the answers on all assignments.
- I will not ask you for the homework, if you do not show it to me I will mark it as a minus 10.
- Textbooks must be covered.
- Work must be shown to support the answers on all assignments.
- Absentee Policy
- If you are absent it is YOUR responsibility to get the notes you missed and have 1 week to make up the homework.
Grading Policy:
Tests - 70%.
3 – 5 Tests will be given each marking period.
Quizzes – 15%
- There will be take home and in class quizzes as deemed necessary.
- Projects
- Notebooks
- You are REQUIRED to bring your notebook daily, and I will randomly check your notebook during the marking period for a quiz grade.
Homework – 15%
All homework assignments in a marking period are counted as 10 points, which means any missing homework will be counted as a minus 10 points towards your homework grade.
- All work should be done neatly and completely or points will be taken of for incomplete assignments.
Class Rules:
- All rules in the BHS student handbook are to be followed!
- If a student fails one test in one marking period they must attend tutorial.
- Students are expected to treat their classmates with respect.
- Students are expected to actively and positively participate in class.
- NO CELL PHONES or IPODS in class.
- Be on time.
- Do your homework
- Come to class prepared daily
- Have a good attitude!!!
***Students are ALWAYS aware of their grade in this course. Parents/Guardians can contact me anytime to regarding their student’s grade. Any question or concerns regarding grades or student progress should be addressed as soon as the problem is known.