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ATTN TEACHERS: Below find a list of games/activities you may play with your students using the Just Move exercise cards provided by Mrs. McLaughlin.   The games are easy to set-up and quick to play with your students during recess or transition time.  If you have any questions or would like more information please feel free to email Mrs. Barry or Mrs. McLaughlin.


Enjoy and have fun!


1. “Flip-It”

Split students into two even teams.  One person from each team will stand in the front of the room (give space) holding one exercise card.  Students may show the opposing player the card.  On the teachers signal (shout 1-2-3 FLIP-IT!) each student will flip his or her card into the air.  When playing “Flip-It” one card must land face-up (exercise showing) and face down (back of card).  Once the cards land in this order (students may have to “flip-it” more than once) the first student to perform the exercise will receive 1 point for their team.  Repeat as necessary with new players.  Change cards as needed.


2. “Word Scramble”

Great game to use for spelling/sight words.  Split students into two equal teams (or more depending on class size).  Place a post-it note with a letter on the back of every exercise card (use different color post-its for different team and words).  Scramble the cards and give and to each team.  The teams must work together to unscramble the word.  Next the team must complete all exercises their word includes, TOGETHER.  First team to complete wins!


3.”Hour of Power”

The class can perform one exercise card every hour on the hour for the entire day.  This is an easy way to get kids moving and good to use when transitioning.


4. “The Circuit”

Set up exercise cards around the classroom in an open area.  Group students to rotate every minute, from one card to the next, with 30 seconds to recover.


5. “Waterfall”

The class stands in a circle in an open area.  The teacher will hold up one exercise card and perform the exercise.  As the teacher performs the exercise, the student to his or her right will then perform the exercise and so on.  Everyone does the exercise until the whole class is performing the exercise and it gets back to the teacher.  At this point the teacher picks another card and the “waterfall” starts again.  Rest as needed.


6. “Create Your Own Exercise”

Challenge students to come up with their own exercise.  They can create their own exercise, draw the image, describe the movements, design the card, and determine how many times or how long the exercise needs to completed or performed.


7. “Survivor”

See which student can remain in each exercise position the longest (use stretches, yoga cards).


8. “Hat Trick”

Divide class into two even teams. One person from each team will speed walk around a cone (or other object) 10 yards away from their team WHILE balancing the exercise card on their head.  If/when the card falls off a student’s head while walking, the student must perform one repetition of the exercise before continuing on.  Whichever team gets all of its members around the cone and back first wins.


9. “Hot-Potato”

Seat students in 1-2 circles.  While music plays, students will pass an exercise card around the circle.  When the music stop, whoever is holding the exercise card, must perform the exercise before the music starts again.  Repeat as necessary.  Add cards to the circles for more involvement.


10. “Exercise of the Day”

Tape the exercise card to a bulletin board or white board.  This card will represent the exercise of the day.  Whenever the class transitions or needs a break, the teacher can use the card for the class to start an exercise.