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Dear C-10 students and families,


Welcome to fourth grade!  I am so happy to have you as one of my students! I can't wait to meet you and launch into learning together. 


I want you to know that I am here for you.  I care very much about my students, and it is my job to help you learn in a safe and challenging environment. I want you to know that you can come to me with any questions, anytime.  I love helping my students be the best they can be. I know you are very capable of success and will do well this year.  I also want you to know that I expect you to do your very best on everything you try!


Here is a little information about me:


I have a BBA in Marketing and a MST in Elementary Education, both from Pace University, NYC.  I've been a teacher at Crim School since 2007, but for many of those years I was called Ms. Garofalo! I've taught second and third grades but I am SO EXCITED to have you as my fourth grade class - fourth grade is my favorite!


Before teaching at Crim, I taught third grade in Chinatown, NYC - a very interesting experience! I grew up on Staten Island, NY and still visit often to see my mom and dad.  My favorite subject is history and I love to read, travel and spend time with friends.  I'm a huge sports fan - go Jets and Devils!  I also have a very special birthday (hint: it came in 2024 but won't come again until 2028.  Can you guess what day it is?)


My husband Tony and I have two boys, AJ who is 7 years old and in the 2nd grade, and Nico who is 5 years old and in Kindergarten.  AJ loves to fish and spend time in nature, and Nico loves space and trucks.


Did you have any fun adventures over the summer?  We took a family vacation to Boca Raton, FL and the boys loved going to the beach, pool and the arcade.  For most of the summer, the boys and I explored some local parks and went swimming at our pool. One of my favorite things about this summer was watching the summer Olympics!


Enjoy the rest of your summer and I can't wait to meet you all soon!



Mrs. Dayna Lombardo