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Fluency/ Stuttering Resources:


The Stuttering  Foundation

This website provides  free online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering.



Fluency Lesson


Objective 1:  The child will imitate words, phrases, and sentences using easy speech during structured activities.




Model words, phrases, and sentences for your child while participating in structured activities. Then have your child imitate. Initially model a slightly slower rate and a slightly exaggerated inflection pattern.  Later model a more normal rate of speech.


Begin by having your child imitate words, then phrases, and then carrier sentences like, " I have a blank, I see a blank, Here is a blank", and finally descriptive sentences.  Usually you will only need to present 5-10 words before introducing phrases and 5-10 phrases before moving on to sentences.


Don't demand exact modeling of the words. If your child stutters repeat the model at a slower rate.



Structured actvities: 


Activity 1:

Materials needed: purse/bag, comb, hairbrush, pen/pencil, toothbrush, toothpaste. (anything easy to use that will fit in the bag)


Directions: Take  turns pulling items out of the purse/bag.  Name each item using easy speech adn have the child imitate you.  Progress from words (Key. You say that.) to phrases (Big comb. You say that.) to sentences (This is a pencil. You say that.) and finally to descriptive sentences ( I write with a pencil.  You say that.) Drop the prompt "You say that" as soon as the child catches on to the imitative routine.


Activity 2:

Materials needed: ball, car, or truck

Directions: Roll the ball, car, or truck back and forth while saying words, phrases, and sentences using easy speech.


Activity 3:

Materials needed: box, bag, or can; various toy items

Directions: Place the toy and container in front of your child.  Choose an item and name it using easy speech. Have your child name it just like you did and then put it in the container.  Next have your child choose an item. Name the item for your child and encourage him/her to imitate you.  Progress to using phrases (big bear), carrier sentences (Here is a bed) and then descriptive sentences ( We sit on a chair).



If your child doesn't like these activities, just work modeling of easy speech into activities he/she enjoys more.  Remember to speak slowly, use short sentences, pause often, and limit the number of questions you ask. Have fun.

