Forms - Grading - Proficiencies - Handouts
Art 1/Foundations of Art Syllabus
** Grade Reminder - Grades in Art can change daily (go up or down) due to many senerios. Students work at thier own pace, projects being turned in on time (or late) completed/partially completed, not completed. Projects are always "a work in progress," or could remain the same for a bit.
Projects/assignments sometimes are not handed in by assignment due dates (due to indiviual student pace), which could result in a "0" (a holding spot) until completed (work can always be turned in late BUT before a marking period deadline date), once handed in, projects/assignments will be graded and grades updated in OnCourse. Most projects/assignments DO NOT get points off for being late unless an assignment specifically states "points off" or if an assignment will be "locked." I also cannot grade something I do not have. Partially completed assignments will get partial grades.
As always, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] (email is always best)....Thank you!
*** Just about all handouts, rubrics, etc. are posted on Google Classroom according to class/period and the assignment as well as comments about missing work, grading comments, etc.