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*SUBJECT TO CHANGE* Updated 6/16/24


Kindergarten is such an exciting place to be! We will spend the first few weeks building relationships and establishing our routines. The Kinders will learn classroom expectations and how to be independent workers. We often work with Mrs. Fleming's and Mrs. Tomczak's Kinder classrooms and have lunch/recess together so your child will make MANY new friends!


We have an air conditioner in our classroom and in many of the Special Area classrooms. Your child may wish to keep a lightweight sweater or zip-up sweatshirt in their bookbag for their comfort.  


Your child may keep a pack of wipes and/or a change of clothes in a large ziploc bag inside their bookbag to be used as needed. All toileting needs must be independently managed.  


Kinders will have time to enjoy a tasty snack from home. Snack must be dry, healthy, and can be eaten without utensils. It should be something that can be eaten within a 15 minute time frame. We will often eat while working on something. Please pack their snack separate from their packed lunch. Show your child what their snack is so they know to save it in their cubby and not eat it during lunch. 


Drinking water is encouraged everyday. Your child should bring in their own special water bottle. It should be labeled with their name to avoid any unwanted mix-ups. We have a water bottle filling station in our hallway. Fill it with WATER ONLY for classroom drinking. Anything other than water can be consumed during lunchtime. 


Please set up a lunch account for your child and place money into that account for lunch and any lunchtime snacks that will be purchased. Packing a favorite lunch from home is always an option too. It is recommended that you review the menu with your child so they are prepared with their choice in the morning. There are many buying lunch options and being prepared with their choice makes the lunch ordering process go much smoother in the morning. Teachers and aides will be in the lunch room for a bit in the beginning to help them until they have it all figured out. No worries!


We play outside everyday, weather permitting. Kinders go outside after lunch and again in the afternoon. Closed toe shoes are a must, NO OPEN TOE SANDALS OR FLIPFLOPS. It is mulch based and obviously will bother exposed toes. Label any outerwear with first and last names.  


Kindergarten has classroom aides and we look forward to meeting them on the first day of school! We're so lucky that Mrs. Seeney is the aide in our room every day!


We have some fabulous books in our classroom library as well a math and language based computer programs we will work on during our day. There are also so many exciting tools to use in our classroom to help us learn!


Scholastc Book Clubs are a great resource to help build your child's personal library. Orders can be placed via this website and will ship free directly to the classroom. When an order is received, I'll send a message so you know to be on the lookout for the books in your child's backpack. We also have the Scholastic Book Fair here in the Library during the school year. Be on the lookout for these fliers too!


If your child is going to Before Care and/or After Care, please send in a schedule for me. It is extremely important for me to know who is staying and who is going home.  Please put it in writing if there is any change to this routine. 


Please put it in writing if your child is to be picked up at the end of the day in lieu of riding the bus.   


Your child will have a binder with important papers and folders. The YELLOW folder will be used for completed classwork, important papers, and any correspondence from home that needs attention. This folder must be checked and emptied as appropriate each night by parent/guardian. The PINK folder will be used for assessments given. When you see this folder, please empty the contents and sign the form. The RED folder will be used for homework and take home activities. Please do not remove the folders. The binder must be returned to school each day.


Back to School Night is planned for September 10th beginning at 6pm. This is a very relaxed and casual way for you to explore your child's classroom. This a parent only event. Please leave students and their siblings at home with a caring adult.  


Please remind your child to keep all toys, watches, and other distracting accessories at home. These items should not come to school. 


Let's have a fabulous school year!





Hopefully this helped answer any questions!  

We can't wait to meet you all!


Love, Mrs. Williams & Mrs. Seeney