Academic year: 2024/2025
Course Objectives: Listening, speaking, writing, role-playing, and group activities are designed to instruct, reinforce, and connect language skills.
Spanish 2H: Speakers are advanced and can easily and confidently handle many communicative tasks. They participate actively in most informal and some formal exchanges on a variety of concrete topics relating to work, school, home, and leisure activities, as well as to events of current, public, and personal interest or individual relevance. Advanced-Mid speakers demonstrate the ability to narrate and describe in all major time frames (past, present, and future) by providing a full account, with good control of aspects, as they adapt flexibility to the demands of the conversation.
Spanish 2M: Intermediate mid-speakers can handle uncomplicated communicative tasks by creating with the language in straightforward social situations. Writers can meet some limited practical writing needs. They can create statements and formulate questions based on familiar material. Listeners can understand information from sentence-length speech, one utterance at a time in basic personal and social contacts through comprehension often uneven. Readers can understand information from the simplest connected text dealing with a limited number of personal and social needs although there may be frequent misunderstandings.
Schedule for 2024-2025
HR - Room 107
1st - CPT
2nd - Spanish 2M- Room 107
3rd - Spanish 2M- Room 107
4th - Spanish 2M- Room 107
5th - Lunch
6th - Prep
7th - Spanish 2H- Room 107
8th - Spanish 2M- Room 107
9th - First Flr. Ext. B
Grading System: Students will be evaluated as follows: (Tests - 30%, Quizzes- 10%
Projects - 20%, Homework - 20%, Class Participation - 20%)
Estimados padres/guardianes:
Es un placer darle la bienvenida a mi clase de español en este nuevo curso escolar 2024-25. Mi nombre es Carmen Guerra y seré la maestra de español impartiendo los niveles 2M y 2H. El 2M es un nivel intermedio donde tienen que poder comunicarse en el idioma español. El 2H es un curso de honores donde se puede continuar el próximo año en otros cursos de clases de honores o más avanzadas. Estoy muy ansiosa por trabajar con los estudiantes y espero tener una excelente experiencia educacional durante este año escolar.
En la clase estudiarán el lenguaje y cultura hispana. Los estudiantes tendrán que entrar con su código a "Google Classroom" donde encontrarán sus tareas, proyectos, textos literarios y no literarios, exámenes y material para ayudarles a tener un año productivo. Además de estos deberes escolares, tendrán trabajos en grupos, reportes sobre diferentes temas y otras variedades de experiencias educativas. Es indispensable que el estudiante tenga su ordenador completamente cargado la noche antes de asistir a clases.
El sistema de evaluación se basará en: Exámenes -30%, Exámenes cortos-10%,
Proyectos - 20%, Tareas - 20%, Participación en clase - 20%.
Espero tener la oportunidad de conocerles en la próxima reunión de padres y maestros para poder trabajar juntos y asegurarnos que su hijo/a tenga un exítoso año escolar. Si necesitan comunicarse conmigo me pueden enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected].
Sra. Carmen E. Guerra
Maestra de español 2M/2H
Memorial High School, WNY, NJ
Dear Parents and Guardians:
I am writing to introduce myself and describe some of the activities/procedures that your child will be participating in during this school year 2024-25.
My name is Carmen Guerra, and I will be teaching levels 2M/2H. The 2M level is for students who already communicate in the target language. The 2H level is for honor students, who will be moving on to another honors class or a more advanced Spanish class the following year. I am looking forward to working with this year’s students and for them to have an excellent educational experience.
Our class will be studying Spanish language and culture. Students will log in to their Google Classroom to find the homework, projects, and tests, and to find useful websites, as a study guide. In addition to these assignments, students will be working on group activities, research reports, and other activities to provide them with a variety of educational experiences. The students must bring their laptops completely charged to school the following day.
Students will be evaluated as follows: Tests - 30%, Quizzes- 10%,
Projects - 20%, Homework - 20% and Class Participation - 20%
I’m excited for the opportunity to get to know you at our next Parent/Teacher reunion to work together and to be sure that your child will have a successful productive school year. If you need to contact me, please feel free to email me at[email protected].
Ms. Carmen E. Guerra
Spanish Teacher of 2M/2H
Memorial High School, WNY, NJ