page contents

$10.00 supply fee


Being admitted to the classroom
All students permitted to enter the classroom will have proper uniform, identification, and materials.


Entering the classroom
Students will enter the classroom ready to learn. This means that the student will enter quietly and go directly to their assigned seats. An assignment will be posted for each day.


“Tardy” means that the student is not in the classroom when the tardy bell has rung. The door will shut once the bell has rung. If you are NOT in the classroom once the door is shut, you will be considered tardy.


Daily Objectives/Activities
All of the objectives and activities will be posted.  Please begin the first assignment immediately.


Missing Materials
If you are missing any materials, please do not ask other students for materials. Please ask me and I will provide you with what you need. 


During the lesson, if you have a question, please wait for the teacher to finish speaking.  Please raise your hand. If you feel that you may forget your question, write it down.


Class Discussions
During class discussions, students will still need to raise their hands and wait to be recognized. 


Teacher led activities
During teacher led activities, students will be instructed on what steps to perform. Students must perform all of the steps in order. Please do not skip a step or go ahead. If you already know the material, please continue to work with the class. You never know when you may learn something new. If you do not understand, you may raise your hand and I will assist you.


Peer assistance
During individual work time, you can ask for assistance from another student. If the other person can answer, they may assist you. The only exception to the rule is during exams. No one should ask for assistance during that time.


Moving about the room
Once you are seated in your seat, you must stay there. Unless directed by a teacher or administrator, do not leave your seat.


If you are required to stop your work for any reason, you must turn off your monitor and sit quietly and attentively.Once the teacher feels that it is suitable for you to return to work, you will be asked to resume your assignments.


If anyone walks into the room, they will need to speak to me. If they are conducting an observation, they may not even speak to me. Please continue to work unless I ask you to stop.


Each Student will be provided with a Restroom/Locker Pass.   This pass contains 8 passes.  No student should receive more than 8 passes.


Do Not Print without permission. If you have anything to print, the teacher will have you print in an orderly fashion.



Finishing Early
All classes will have an ongoing assignment that will be checked periodically:

IBCA-- Microtype (1st half) GMetrix/SAM (2nd half)
Computer Systems - Comptia/Edhesive Practice

Computer Technology Literacy - GMETRIX

End of class
The teacher will ask all students to either print or save their work. Once this is complete, students should stack their books and make sure their areas are clear. 


Final note
All students will address me as Mrs. Stelly. I will always ask you for something with a please and confirm it with a thank you. I would appreciate the same from you. Remember in real life, you get as much respect as you give.


1. Be productive

2. Remain seated

3. Wait to speak until recognized

4. Wait to print until instructed

5. Follow all classroom procedures



* All consequences will be indicated on a chart

1st Mark -- warning

2nd Mark -- punish work/contract

3rd Mark -- parental contact

4th Mark -- referral