Bayonne High School Student Council
Table of Contents
Article I: Student Council Basics
Section 1: Name
Section 2: Purpose
Section 3: Organization
Section 4: Quorum
Section 5: Meeting Protocol
Article II: Advisor(s)
Section 1: Responsibilities
Section 2: Powers
Article III: Executive Board
Section 1: Members and Prerequisites
Section 2: Responsibilities
Section 3: Powers
Section 4: Chain of Command
Article IV: Legislative Board
Section 1: Members and Prerequisites
Section 2: Responsibilities
Section 3: Powers
Section 4: Chain of Command
Article V: Judicial Board
Section 1: Members and Prerequisites
Section 2: Responsibilities
Section 3: Powers
Section 4: Chain of Command
Article VI: Committee Board
Section 1: Members and Prerequisites
Section 2: Responsibilities
Section 3: Powers
Section 4: Chain of Command
Article VII: Elections
Section 1: Defining the Term of Office
Section 2: Selection of the Election Committee
Section 3: Nomination and General Qualifications
Section 4: Election Process and Schedule
Section 5: Election Day and Ballots
Section 6: Counting Ballots and Appointed Positions
Article VIII: Violation of Conduct
Section 1: Compliance
Section 2: Probation
Section 3: Impeachment
Article IX: Ratification
Article X: Amendments
We, the students of Bayonne High School, in order to develop democratic ideals; to foster respect for law and order; to maintain high standards of cooperation, loyalty, respect and school spirit; to create a model of citizenship, and to encourage all activities in the school; do form this constitution for the Student Council of Bayonne High School.
ARTICLE I: Student Council Basics
Section 1: Name
1.1 The name of this organization is the Bayonne High School Student Council. The association can be references as StuCo for short.
Section 2: Purpose
2.1The purpose of the student council shall be to:
2.1.a. Provide a democratic forum in which students can address school-related issues that affect their lives
2.1.b. Maintain a continuous channel from students, faculty, and administration, as well as among the students within the school
2.1.c. Provide leadership training for students in the duties and responsibilities of good citizenship, three times a year, using the school environment as the primary training ground
Section 3: Basic Organization
3.1 Representatives are eligible for election to the student council according to election procedures. Exception is the office of President, who must be a senior and have served on the Executive Board for at least one year.
3.2 The council shall consist of one representative and one alternate from each homeroom.
3.3 The election of representatives shall take place each September and prior to the first school meeting. At this time, an alternate will be selected.
3.4 Any member will be removed if he or she misses two meetings without presenting reasonable justification to the executive board.
3.5 If a Student Council Executive Member misses a meeting, he/she is required to check in with the Student Council Advisor or with the President. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused absence.
Section 4: Quorum
4.1 Two thirds of the Executive Student Council (Executive and Legislative Boards) should be present for all votes on a motion.
4.2 Two thirds of each house must be present to vote on any motion during a general assembly.
Section 5: Meeting Protocol
5.1 Meetings are every Monday
5.1.a If there is no school on Monday then the meeting will be the first day there are classes.
5.2 All members must attend every meeting unless excused as a result of:
5.2.a Absence from school.
5.2.b Athletic Practice/Meet (Must check in with the advisor and President/Vice President)
5.2.c Make up assignments for a class (Note from teacher must be presented)
5.2.d Meeting Absences
5.2.d.1 After the first unexcused absence the member will receive a verbal/written warning.
5.2.d.2 After the second unexcused absence the member will either be placed on probation or be impeached
5.2.d.3 After the third unexcused absence the member will be impeached.
5.3 The length of each meeting will be as follows:
5.3.a Committee Board shall stay for at least 30 minutes planning events, working on assigned tasks from the Executive Board.
5.3.a.1 Committees will submit a bi-weekly report both in writing and orally to the entire board.
5.3.b Legislative Board shall stay for at least an hour discussing concerns, addressing points on the agenda, and developing ideas to be brought to the House VPs and Executive Board.
5.3.b.1 The Legislative Board shall submit a weekly report both in writing and orally to the entire board.
5.3.c Executive Board shall stay for the entire length of the meeting addressing topics discussed amongst the entire board, planning the agenda for the following week with the entire board, and discussing reports submitted by the other Boards in Student Council.
5.3.c.2 The President shall submit a weekly report both in writing and orally to the entire board.
5.3.d The advisor(s) is/are to be present at all Student Council Meetings.
5.3.d.1 If an emergency occurs then the meeting will be called at that time.
5.3.d.2 If advisor(s) is/are absent the day of the meeting then the meeting will be held on the next school day.
5.3.d.3 The advisor is to submit weekly report both in writing and orally to the entire board.
5.4 General Assembly Meetings
5.4.a The General Assembly Meetings will take place the first Tuesday of the month(unless there is a testing conflict)
5.4.b The Agenda will be created by the President and Vice President are to be created and posted a week prior to the General Assembly.
5.4.c The last five minutes of each meeting are to be reserved for student concerns.
5.5 Committee Meetings
5.5.a The Committee Meetings will take place the first Tuesday of the month(unless there is a testing conflict).
5.5.b Committee chairs are to create and post their agenda one week prior to the Committee Meeting.
5.5.c All meetings will be held in the BHS Library from 2:55 until the latest 3:30.
5.5.d The Vice President must be present at all Committee Meetings.
5.5.e All members of the Legislative Board are required to attend at a minimum two Committee Meetings during the course of the year.
Article II: Advisor
Section 1: Responsibilities
1.1 Guide and offer suggestions to students
1.2 Encourage students to be thorough and accurate in fulfilling their responsibilities
1.3 Check that members and committees are meeting their goals and deadlines
1.4 Maintain accurate records to help operations
1.5 Assist students involved in budget/financial planning
1.6 Oversee correspondence from the council
1.7 Help in general council management
1.8 Supervise student use of equipment
1.9 Balance having fun and fulfilling goals
1.10 Accompany student council members to NJASC meetings and other functions
1.11 Report weekly to the administration and faculty on the council activities.
1.12 Prepare and submit an advisers report which will be delivered at the weekly executive meeting and monthly general assembly
1.12.a Reports should be submitted by the end of the school day Friday to the President and Vice President.
1.12.b Reports should be limited to five minutes in length.
1.12.b.1 Reports can exceed this time length only if approved by the President.
1.12.b.2 Reports can be yielded to any member who has a report that was not listed in the agenda.
1.12.b.3 Reports can be used as a means to instruct the board how to accomplish a particular task.
1.13 Supervise and advise in all Student Council Events.
Section 2: Powers
2.1 There shall be no power directly provided to the adviser to impose his or her own direction on any executive, legislative, or committee board.
2.2 The adviser shall make recommendations to all boards, but these will be interpreted as suggestions not an order.
2.3 The adviser shall conduct monthly reviews of each board to provide feedback for continued progress and growth with respect to the BHS Student Council Constitution and BHS Student Code of Conduct.
2.4 If the Adviser feels that modifications are necessary and proper after discussing this with the Bayonne School District Superintendent, Bayonne High School Principal, Activities Coordinator, and/or Advisor Order can be made.
2.4.a Adviser orders shall not exceed 1 per marking period and 5 for the year (Summer months will constitute as a marking period.)
Article III: Executive Board
Section 1: Members and Prerequisites
1.1 The Bayonne High School Executive Board shall consist of the positions of President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Publicity
1.2 The prerequisites for each position are as follows:
1.2.a President:
1.2.a.1 Must be an incoming senior for the next academic school year.
1.2.a.2 Must have served one term on the executive/legislative board
1.2.a.3 Must have attended LTC
1.2.a.4 Must have attended and participated in previous student council events.
1.2.a.5 Must maintain an average of 75+ in all subject areas.
1.2.a.6 Must be up to date with the Service Learning Requirement
1.2.b Vice-President:
1.2.b.1 Must be an incoming junior or senior for the next academic school year.
1.2.b.2 Must have served one term on the executive/legislative board
1.2.b.3 Must have attended and participated in previous student council events.
1.2.b.4 Must maintain an average of 75+ in all subject areas.
1.2.b.5 Must be up to date with the Service Learning Requirement
1.2c Recording and Corresponding Secretary:
1.2.c.1 Must be an incoming sophomore, junior, or senior for the next academic school year.
1.2.c.2 Must have attended and participated in previous student council events.
1.2.c.3 Must maintain an average of 75+ in all subject areas.
1.2.c.4 Must be up to date with the Service Learning Requirement
1.2.d Treasurer:
1.2.d.1 Must be an incoming sophomore, junior, or senior for the next academic school year.
1.2.d.2 Must have attended and participated in previous student council events.
1.2.d.3 Must maintain an average of 75+ in all subject areas and an average of 80+ in their last math class.
1.2.d.4 Must be up to date with the Service Learning Requirement
1.2.e Publicity
1.2.e.1 Must be an incoming sophomore, junior, or senior for the next academic school year.
1.2.e.3 Must have been part of Team Spirit
1.2.e.4 Must have attended and participated in previous student council events.
1.2.e.5 Must maintain an average of 75+ in all subject areas.
1.2.e.6 Must be up to date with the Service Learning Requirement
Section 2: Responsibilities
2.1 The following responsibilities pertain to all executive members:
2.1.a Attend NJASC meetings
2.1.b Attend/Participate in Student Council events
2.1.c Show support for school teams
2.1.d Show BHS spirit by attending all STUCO functions
2.1.e Encourage all students to have Athletic, Academic, and Artistic Goals
2.2 The responsibilities for each position are as follows:
2.2.a President:
2.2.a.1 Official representative of the Student Council
2.2.a.2 Executive officer in charge of other offices
2.2.a.3 Preside over all weekly Student Council Meetings, assemblies.
2.2.a.4 Prepare agendas for next week’s meeting one-week prior with the rest of the board.
2.2.a.5 Email prepared agenda reminder to the board 24 hours prior to the meeting.
2.2.a.6 Direct liaison with the school administration.
2.2.a.7 Act as facilitator of group discussions.
2.2.b Vice-President:
2.2.b.1 Preside in absence of the president
2.2.b.2 Oversee committees
2.2.b.3 Confer with president on executive decisions
2.2.b.4 Direct liaison with the school administration.
2.2.b.5 Manage and serve as facilitator for Friday Meetings.
2.2.c Recording Secretary:
2.2.c.2 Attends all general executive sessions and Student Council meeting.
2.2.c.2 Records all minutes of the above meeting and reads them at the following meetings.
2.2.c.3 Takes roll of attendees at meetings
2.2.d Corresponding Secretary
2.2.d.1 Sends out correspondence to schools, newspapers, State Student Council, and community.
2.2.d.2 Receives and oversees all correspondence and reports
2.2.e Treasurer:
2.2.e.1 Oversee board expenses and revenues
2.2.e.2 Keep a record of all financial transactions made by the Student Council
2.2.e.3 Authorize payment of vouchers, review purchase orders, and give approval before invoices are paid.
2.2.e.4 Make and interpret monthly financial reports to the board at the assemblies
2.2.e.5 All financial decisions go through the treasurer
2.2.f Publicity:
2.2.f.1 Confer with the vice president on monthly committee meetings
2.2.f.2 Serve as chair of the Publicity Committee
2.2.f.3 Supervise Team Spirit board meetings
Section 3: Powers
3.1 All members of the executive are given the power to:
3.1.a Call an emergency meeting at any time to discuss important/emerging details on a specific topic.
3.1.b Review and make recommendations on all projects/items submitted to from the Legislative and Committee boards.
3.1.c Request and hold meetings with the Principal, Directors, and Superintendent to discuss issues that represent current student concerns.
Section 4: Chain of Command
4.1 If the President is not able to fulfill his or her Constitutional duties or is absent the Vice President will assume the responsibilities of the President.
4.2 If the Vice-President is not able to fulfill his or her Constitutional duties the board will re-elect based on qualifications (2.2b).
4.3 If the Recording Secretary is not able to fulfill his or her Constitutional duties the board will re-elect based on qualifications (2.2c).
4.4 If the Corresponding Secretary is not able to fulfill his or her Constitutional duties the board will re-elect based on qualifications (2.2d).
4.5 If the Treasurer is not able to fulfill his or her Constitutional duties the board will re-elect based on qualifications (2.2e).
4.6 If the Publicity is not able to fulfill his or her Constitutional duties the board will re-elect based on qualifications from the Publicity Board (2.2f).
Article IV: Legislative Board
Section One: Members and Prerequisites
1.1 The Bayonne High School Legislative Board shall consist of the positions of House Chairman, Board of Education Representative, and Homeroom Representatives.
1.2 There will be two House Chairmen per house, one Board of Ed Rep, and one representative and one alternate per homeroom.
1.3 The members of the Student Senate will be the House Chairmen and the Board of Education Representative.
1.4 The members of the Student House will be the Homeroom Representatives/Alternates.
1.5 All members of the Legislative Board MUST attend at least two Committee Meetings in the Library throughout the course of the school year.
1.6 The prerequisites for each position are as follows:
1.6.a House Chairmen
1.2.a.1 Must be an incoming sophomore, junior, or senior for the next academic school year.
1.2.a.2 Must have attended and participated in previous student council events.
1.2.a.3 Must maintain an average of 75+ in all subject areas.
1.2.a.4 Must be up to date with the Service Learning Requirement
1.6.b Board of Education Representative
1.2.c.1 Must be an incoming sophomore, junior, or senior for the next academic school year.
1.2.c.2 Must have attended and participated in previous student council events.
1.2.c.3 Must maintain an average of 75+ in all subject areas.
1.2.c.4 Must be up to date with the Service Learning Requirement
1.6.c Homeroom Representatives
1.6.c.1 Must be a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior
1.6.c.2 Must maintain a 75 average in each class all year long
Section Two: Responsibilities
2.1 House Chairmen must:
2.1.a obtain an open line with house VPs
2.1.b visit homerooms at least biweekly
2.1.c Deliver all updates to the Homeroom Representative in a timely fashion.
2.1.d Produce a monthly calendar detailing upcoming events for the respective house.
2.2 Board of Education Representative must:
2.2.a make themselves available to attend the monthly Board of Education meetings
2.2.b keep the student body aware of what is going on during the meetings
2.2.c Organize rallies when necessary
2.2.d Prepare a monthly speech and have it approved for each BOE meeting
2.2.e Vocalize any student concerns
2.2.f Take quality notes at all Board of Education Functions
2.2.g Recruit people to attend the meetings with you
2.2.h Must find someone on the Board should take their place if they cannot attend the meeting for that night.
2.2.i Be willing to fight for your school!
2.3 Homeroom Representatives must:
2.3.a Attend all General Assembly meetings where they shall take notes to return to their homerooms
2.3.b Conduct any survey/petition given by StuCo
2.3.c Frequently check with chairmen for updates and keep chairmen updated with student concerns
Section 3: Powers
3.1 Voting power
3.1.a Members of the Student Senate will have voting power during all Executive Meetings as well as at General Assembly Meetings.
3.1.b Members of the Student House will have voing power during all General Assembly Meetings.
3.2 House Chairmen
3.2.a Recruit House Helpers
3.2.b Place a tie breaking vote for all Homeroom Representative Elections
3.2.c Remove a Homeroom Representative from office after two absences from a General Assembly meeting.
3.2.c.1 House Chairman must confirm the absences with the advisor through Realtime to ensure that the student was present in school.
3.3 Board of Education Representative:
3.3.a Must speak at the meetings on behalf of the student body to give insight to the Board of what is going on in Bayonne High School or suggest any changes/demands needed to make our school a better place
3.4 Homeroom Representative:
3.4.a Raise student concerns during any General Assembly meeting
3.4.b Raise concerns with House Chairmen for violations of the Constitution or Student code of conduct to the Judiciary.
Section 4: Chain of Command
4.1 House Chairmen
4.1.a The chain goes as follows:
4.1.a.1 Chairman 1 had the most votes in the election.
4.1.a.2 Chairman 2 had the second most votes in the election.
4.1.b In the event that a chairman is impeached or resigns, nominations will be opened at the next General Assembly Meeting.
Nominees will then be interviewed by the Executive Board and a replacement will be chosen at that time.
4.2 Board of Education Representative
4.2.a In the event that a Board of Education Representative is impeached or resigns, the Executive Board will appoint a member of the committee that qualify based on the prerequisites listed above.
4.3 Homeroom Representative
4.3.a In the event that a homeroom representative is impeached or resigns, the alternate will take over.
4.3.a.1 There will then be a vote for replacing the alternate in homeroom.
Article VI: Committee Board
Section 1: Members and Prerequisites
1.1 The Committee Board shall be made up of 4 standing committee’s:
Special Projects
1.2 The Election Committee shall be in charge of appointing 2 or 3 members to each of the standing committees.
1.3 Open Meetings for the standing committees shall be held on the () Tuesday of every month.
1.4 Membership of any standing committee is open to any member of the student body during these meetings.
1.5 Special committees may be formed either voluntarily, or appointed by the acting president, or vice-president.
1.6 The vice-president shall oversee all committee meetings, events, and communications, as well as be a member of each committee, standing, or special.
Placement on this committee will last for no more than two years.
1.8 Special Projects
Must have a minimum of 2 members and a maximum of 3
Members could be an incoming freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior
1.9 Charity
Must have 2 members
Members could be an incoming freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior
1.10 Publicity
May contain up to 2 chairmen, including 1 underclassmen
Members could be an incoming freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior
Members must attend weekly Team Spirit Meetings
Section 2: Responsibilities
2.1 RSVP
2.1.a The RSVP chairs shall hold their position on the executive board for two years, and must conduct the RSVP survey during the first year of their term, and follow through for the second year.
2.2 Special Projects
2.2.aSpecial projects chairmen are in charge of creation, implementation, and execution of specified projects, either within the board or for the student body.
2.3 Charity
2.3.a Charity chairmen are in charge of
2.3.a.1 finding charities
2.3.a.2 communicating with charities
2.3.a.3 executing fundraisers specifically designed to provide funding to the designated charity
2.3.a.4 communicate with all Executive and legislative members with the progress of finding, fundraising, and delivering money to the designated charity
2.4 Publicity
Publicity Chair is the execution of plans that were created and implemented by themselves and the executive publicity member.
Section 3: Powers
3.1 Collective Powers of all Committees:
3.1.a Create when necessary events to accomplish tasks
3.2.b Create subcommittees consisting of Student body
3.3.c Call mandatory meeting to discuss events and their creation.
Publicity chairmen shall work underneath executive publicity member.
Section 4: Chain of Command
4.1 RSVP
4.1.a If for any such reason a chairman of RSVP is no longer able to fulfill his/her position the position must be filled by a member of the student body from the grade level necessary to fulfill the position prerequisites.
4.1.b This member of the student body must be an active member of the student council representative board
4.1.c This member must also attend both general assembly's and committee meetings.
4.2 Special Projects
4.1.a If for any such reason a chairman of Special Project is no longer able to fulfill his/her position the position must be filled by a member of the student body from the grade level necessary to fulfill the position prerequisites.
4.1.b This member must also attend both general assembly's and committee meetings and/or Team Spirit Meetings.
4.3 Charity
4.1.a If for any such reason a chairman of Charity is no longer able to fulfill his/her position the position must be filled by a member of the student body from the grade level necessary to fulfill the position prerequisites.
4.1.b This member must also attend both general assembly's and committee meetings.
4.4 Publicity
4.1.a If for any such reason a chairman of Publicity is no longer able to fulfill his/her position the position must be filled by a member of the student body from the grade level necessary to fulfill the position prerequisites.
4.1.b This member must also attend both general assembly's and committee meetings.
Article VII: Elections
Section 1: Defining the Term of Office
1.1 The term of office shall be defined beginning with the Bayonne Leadership Summit and ending at the following years summit.
Section 2: Selection of the Election Committee
2.1 The President and Vice-president will sit the advisor to create an election committee.
2.2 All seniors are eligible for the committee regardless of position.
2.3 The committee will be created in February and all paperwork will be ready for publication by the end of March.
Section 3: Nomination Process
3.1 Nominations shall be conducted at the April/March (if the meeting is at the very end of the month) General Assembly Meeting.
3.2 Individuals that are nominated must meet the following criteria:
3.2.a Be a current Student Council Executive Board member, homeroom representative or alternate homeroom representative;
3.2.b Have a passing average of 70 in all classes for the current school year;
3.2.c Be in compliance with service learning requirements;
3.2.d Be in good standing with regard to the uniform policy;
3.2.e Have not violated the school’s attendance policy;
3.2.f Complete paperwork attached as set forth by the Bayonne High School Election Committee;
3.2.g Agree to uphold the responsibilities of the Student Council Office including, but not limited not, attending weekly Monday meetings from 2:50 p.m. to a minimum of 4:30 p.m. and attending all Student Council events and the preparation for said events;
3.2.h Read the Bayonne High School Student Council Constitution and understand and accept the responsibilities of the office
3.3 Following the nominations (Period 1 of the General Assembly Day), students will take part in a meeting led by the Election Committee. The Committee will:
3.3.a Review all rules for the election at this time
3.3.b Review the election packet with all candidates
3.3.c Review the timeline for the election
3.4 Schedule meeting dates, times, and locations for the candidates and announce them no later than two days after applications are turned in.
Section 4: Election Process
4.1 Election General Assembly Meeting
4.1.a Anyone interested in running for an elected position on the Student 4.1.b Council Executive Board will be nominated.
4.1.c Students will then stay behind for period 1 and go over the process for elections.
4.2 Candidate Approval Packet
4.2.a Pick up form from Advisor’s classroom after Period 8.
4.2.b Students will not be permitted to pick up applications during school hours.
4.2.d Completed Candidate Approval Packets are due to the Adviser.
4.3 Campaigning
4.3.a Signs can be hung around campus for each candidate after the ballot is released.
4.3.b The first full week of May will be campaign week.
4.3.c You may campaign in BHS for your office during the days specified below:
4.3.c.1 Monday: House Chairmen
4.3.c.2 Tuesday: House Chairmen and Parliamentarian
4.3.c.3 Wednesday: Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Publicity, and Board of Ed Rep
4.3.c.4 Thursday: Usually the Spring Business Meeting NJASC
4.3.c.5 Friday: President, Vice President, and Treasurer
Section 5: Election Day, Ballots, and Counting
5.1 Ballots
5.1.a The Election Committee will prepare ballots.
5.1.a.1 Ballots will be created following the interview process.
5.1.a.2 Students can only be placed on the ballot for a position that he or she has expressed interest in serving.
5.1.a.3 If a student does not wish to serve for the position that the board feels is most appropriate, they can remove themselves from the ballot.
5.1.a.4 Ballots must be posted in each homeroom no less than one school week prior to the election (If the election is on Friday then the ballots must be posted no later than homeroom on the Monday before the elections.
5.1.b House Chairmen will deliver the ballots to the Homeroom Representative at the beginning of homeroom.
5.1.c Homeroom Representatives will then wait until all speeches have been delivered to pass out ballots.
5.2 Speeches
5.2.a The following positions will be given 1 minute and 30 seconds for their speeches: President and Vice President
5.2.b The following positions will be given 1 minute for their speeches: Treasurer
5.2.c The following positions will be given 30 seconds for the speeches: Publicity, Board of Education Representative, and Parliamentarian
5.3 Voting
5.3.a Homeroom Representatives will pass out the ballots to the students in homeroom. Students will vote for one candidate for each position.
5.3.b Any ballot that is not clear will not be interpreted and will therefore not count.
5.3.c Write-ins will not be accepted.
Section 6: Counting Ballots and Appointed Positions
6.1 Only Seniors will be permitted to count the ballots.
6.2 No ballot will be counted without the Advisor present.
6.3 All ballots will be counted and recounted to ensure that the tallies are accurate.
6.4 In the case of a tie, the Adviser will count the ballots to ensure that there was no problem.
6.5 After the votes have been counted, the Election Committee will reconvene and appoint individuals to the various committees listed above.
6.5.a Students can only be appointed to a position that they have expressed an interest in holding.
6.5.b If a student does not wish to be appointed to the position then the student may turn down the appointment.
6.6 Following the elections, winners will be announced over the loud speaker within the week.
6.7 Winners will meet with the advisor at the conclusion of the day and go over any important items.
6.8 At this time permission slips will be presented for the Bayonne Leadership Summit.
Article VIII: Compliance, Probation, and Impeachment
Section 1: Compliance
1.1 Compliance is defined in the Articles listed above. Students are expected to adhere to all listed responsibilities and maintain a balance of power.
1.2 Failure to do so can and will result in a review by the Judiciary Board.
1.3 Members of the Judiciary Board will be reviewed by a separate panel created by the President and Vice President when any member of the Judiciary Board is in violation of their designated responsibility and power.
1.4 If there are any violations of the specific responsibilities they will be provided one verbal/written warning of their offense. Any further offenses can result in probation or impeachment.
Section 2: Probation
2.1 Probation is not assigned as a punishment, but instead as an opportunity to correct an error of an officer and to teach them how they can avoid the mistake in the future.
2.2 Probation is defined as a method of working with an officer of any board,who is guilty of any minor Constitutional section or the Student Code of Conduct. It can also be issued for an officer’s first offense.
2.3 Assignment of Probation
2.3.a The Judicial Board will make the recommendation to the Advisor for an individual to be placed on probation.
2.3.b The Advisor, in cooperation with the President (or Vice President if the President is not present or is facing a probationary period) will review the request from the Judiciary to determine if the individual should be on probation.
2.3.b.1 See 2.3.c if the Advisor and President (or Vice President) feel that the individuals offense can be corrected with a probationary period.
2.3.b.2 See 3.1.a if the Advisor and the President (or Vice President) feel that the individuals offenses are beyond the scope of probation and warrant a deeper inquiry.
2.3.c Under supervision of the advisor, the officer will create an action plan which will be presented before the Executive Board for approval.
2.3.c.1 The officer and advisor will come to an agreement to the terms of the probationary period that adequately reflects the violation.
2.3.c.2 The officer and the advisor will come to an agreement to the length of the probationary period not to be less than two weeks or more than one month.
2.3.c.3 At the conclusion of the probationary period, the advisor will sit down with the officer and the President (or Vice President) to review the terms of the probation and at that time will
2.3.c.3.a Make a request that the student be taken off of probation.
2.3.c.3.b Make a request that the probation be continued for no longer than two weeks.
2.3.c.3.c Make a request to the Judiciary Board to draft a formal request for impeachment.
Section 3: Impeachment
3.1 Impeachment is the removal of an official in any form of government.
3.2 The Bayonne High School Constitution states that any official violates any provision listed explicitly in this Constitution or the Bayonne High School Student Code of Conduct can result in an impeachment.
3.3 The process proceeds as follows.
3.3.a The process begins when formal charges are brought against the individual in question. These are examined by the Judiciary Board. They are then presented to the Student Council Advisor and Executive Board in a report.
3.3.b An impeachment proceeding can begin with a direct impeachment resolution or an inquiry of impeachment resolution.
3.3.b.1 An inquiry of impeachment resolution constitutes a preliminary investigation.
3.3.b.2 A direct impeachment resolution simply calls for a vote to impeach the official.
3.3.c If the Judiciary Board finds the grounds for impeachment exists,
3.3.c.1 It may then submit the articles of impeachment to the Executive Board for a vote.
3.3c.2 The Executive Board votes on each article separately.
3.3.c.3 Any articles that pass by a majority vote are sent to the Student Senate for trial.
3.4 This Constitution gives the Legislative Board the power to put impeachments on trial.
3.4.a Once the Executive Board has approved the articles, it requests that the Legislative Board request the appearance of the accused to answer the charges.
3.4.a.1 At this time the Board presents the articles of impeachment and the accused will have sufficient time to review the charges and to organize a defense to them.
3.4.b The Legislative Board then try the case asking questions to the accused. A separate panel will be created to interview the accused member.
3.5 A conviction requires a 2/3 majority of the Legislative Board to find that the accused did violate the Constitution.
3.5.a The following are the only approved consequences for a guilty verdict:
3.5.a.1 Removal from Office
3.5.a.2 Possible disqualification to hold any office on any Student Council Board or as a Homeroom Representative
Article IX: Ratification of this Constitution
1.1.a To ratify this constitution 51% of the total student body must vote to adopt this Constitution.
1.1.b Homeroom Representatives will take a hand vote in homeroom on a date to be determined by the Board.
1.1.b.1 The results will be brought to the House Chairmen during the Assembly Schedule.
1.1.b.2 Each homeroom vote will be read out loud to the Secretary and counted.
1.1.b.3 If the Constitution is adopted it will go into effect on May 18 with the transfer of the new board.
1.1.c If the Constitution is not adopted it will be returned to the Constitution Committee for further development. And voted on again no less than two weeks later.
Article X: Amendments
1.1These bylaws can be amended at any regular meeting of the student council by a two-thirds vote of the General Assembly.
1.2 The Amendment can be put to a vote provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing two weeks prior to the next business meeting.
1.3 A hand count must then be taken during the General Assembly after a motion has been presented.
1.4 A majority of the student body is needed to ratify the amendment.