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At Shelling Elementary, we have a uniform policy – blue or khaki pants and royal blue, gold, white or gray shirts. Your child must be in a uniform each day.



Read a story daily, ask questions about story, characters or events in the story, problems and solutions in the story. Practice identifying colors, shapes, numerals and alphabets/sounds A-Z.




Each afternoon, after your child wakes up from nap, we will have snack.  I will send a snack calendar home each month labeled with the day that your child will be responsible for bringing snack for the entire class.



Field Trips:


Field trips are a very important part of Pre-K. We will try to go on at least one field trip per month (sometimes 2 per month). I will send home field trip permission forms a couple of weeks prior to a field trip. This way, if any money is needed, it will give you plenty of time to pay for the field trip.