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The following guidelines govern appropriate dress:

*Shirts (short or long sleeve polo styles) will be black in color and must have the official WNY Middle School insignia.

*Pants/Bottoms (skirts, slacks, chinos, etc...) will be khaki, black, or navy in color and conform to current policy on length and proper fit.  Jeans (denim), tights, and sweat pants ARE NOT to be considered part of the uniform at any time.

*Skirts must be of appropriate length. 

*School uniforms must be worn AT ALL TIMES when the student is in the building or on school grounds. 

* Sweatshirts may be worn on top of the uniform shirt, but must be black in color and must have the official WNY insignia.  This includes during the lunch periods.


*Proper and safe footwear is required, with shoe laces tied.  Flip-flops are not permitted and all sandals must have a back to them.

*Head coverings, including hats, are not permitted in school except for religious observance or medical reasons.

*Clothing which might injure a student or damage school property may not be worn or brought into school (chains, studs, etc...).

*Obscene patches, emblems, or slogans are not permitted.

*Undergarments are not to be displayed.

*Sleep and loungewear are not to be worn.

Uniform Rules:
1.  No student is to wear anything over their uniform shirt, i.e., jackets, sweaters, pullovers, etc...THIS INCLUDES athletic team gear in lieu of the uniform (unless announced by the Building Principal for a special event).
2.  A student may wear a long-sleeve shirt underneath the official uniform shirt.
3.  A student may wear any of the solid black shirts/sweaters with our offical logo, i.e., long-sleeve polos, fleeces, or sweaters.
4.  If a student wears an approved sweater or fleece, the uniform shirt must always be worn with it. 
5.  UNIFORM SHIRTS MUST NOT BE ALTERED, i.e., removing sleeves, collars, buttons, seams, etc...
6.  Solid black shirts without our official insignia are a violation of our policy.
7.  Any student in violation of our policy should be sent to the appropriate administrative office immediately.