Delivery Models/Curriculum
Elementary students participate in a resource program for six segments each week taught by a certified gifted teacher. Students receive interdisciplinary enrichment in the areas of science, social studies, language arts, math, and reading. Units and skills are outlined on the district Curriculum menu and aligned with Georgia Performance Standards. Students’ achievement is recorded at the end of every nine weeks and/or semester via the report card.
The middle school gifted student is served daily in an advanced subject course with a certified gifted teacher. At the middle school level, teachers focus on the Georgia Performance Standards while addressing the needs of gifted students for more elaborate, complex, and in-depth study of major ideas, problems, and themes. Class determination is made according to student strengths, eligibility testing results, academic performance, and teacher observation.
The high school gifted student has a variety of options for daily service. These options include Honors classes, Advanced Placement courses, and post -secondary options. All courses are aligned with the Georgia Performance Standards while extending and refining student learning. Class determination is made using a system-wide application process which ensures a match of student learning needs and interests. Honors and Advance Placement teachers are gifted certified in addition to holding certification in their appropriate content area.