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My name is Terri Fleming.  I've been a part of the Aura Family for 22 years.  I have taught Sixth Grade, First Grade and Kindergarten.  I have to say Kindergarten is the most fun (and challenging)!


My husband, Shawn, and I are blessed with 3 wonderful kids:  Finnigan, Macklain and Ainsley!  Finn is in college (eek!)  Mack will be a Junior and Ainsley will be a Freshman.  We have 2 dogs, Breezy and Wednesday who are snuggling professionals!  


I've spent most of the summer being a "Mommy- Uber" but did find time to read, swim, go on daily dog walks, go canoeing, and relax at the pool.


Some of my favorite things: coffee, dessert (anything milk chocolate), cookies, kid drawn pictures, hugs, and books on my Kindle.




December 2022 

Christmas 2022 



July 2015 Where has the time gone?  Instead of buckled up in the backseat, 2 are "driving"! 

The Fleming Family