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Absent Work

Students have one extra day for every day they are absent to make up work. However, absent students are expected to approach their teachers and set up an acceptable timetable for completion of work when gone for more than two days in a row or three days in a week. If the work is not turned in by the agreed upon date, late penalties will apply.



Late Work Policy

Work is considered late if it is not submitted electronically by the beginning of class on the due date. Ten points are deducted for every day it is late. After 5 school days, the grade becomes an F.



Activities Policy

If you are a member of a sport or activity and miss class, you are responsible for getting the work in on time. Leaving school early for an event means you must turn in the assignment before you leave or it is late. Turn in electronically before you leave school.  Coming in the next day without your homework for that day will be a 0. It is your responsibility to balance academics and extra-curricular activities.





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