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No Food or Drink allowed in the classroom

Activity Fee:  $35.00


If you are absent refer to your weekly schedule given during class.
Review Nightly. Always bring your supplies to class.
Always stay positive, ask questions, and respect yourself and others
right to an education.


All incoming freshmen students needing help in Algebra Concepts for the EOC should take Math Essentials 9 as preparation for the Algebra 1 course and EOC.

Any 9th or 10th Grade students needing help with Math Essentials 9, Algebra 1, Geometry, or Algebra 2 can meet with Coach Jones via Google Meets any day of the week if scheduled through email. Tutoring is offered Monday thru Friday in person in room 807 at 7 am until 7:40 am.  Please do not wait until your are failing the class to seek help.  Seek help early and often because the Faculty at SMSH are here for you.