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J Respect personal space and school property
J Respond appropriately
J Use words of respect (Thank you, Yes Ma’am, etc.)
J Raise hand to be recognized


J Be prepared (supplies, homework, books, etc.)
J Follow directions
J Clean up your area
J Complete class assignments


J Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
J Sit properly
J Use school supplies properly
J Keep school/personal belongings out of walking areas


Students who follow these rules and behave appropriately will receive the following rewards: verbal praise, tiger paw slips used to shop at the "Tiger's Den"  store), stickers, positive notes, six weeks "Game Day" activity, "Party with the Principal" , etc.

If a student CHOOSES to break a rule, their name will be moved down in each category and they will receive the following consequences:


1st: Warning.

2nd: Conduct grade lowered to B (Redirected to appropriate behavior).

3rd: Conduct grade lowered to C.
1-10 minutes of recess in classroom (Conference with student)
Student will copy classroom rules broken.

4th: Conduct grade lowered to D.
10-20 minutes of recess in classroom (Time out if necessary) Student will copy classroom rules broken.

5th: Conduct grade lowered to F.
20-25 minutes of recess in classroom (Behavior intervention report sent home)
Student will copy classroom rules broken.

Severe Disruption:  
Behavior intervention report and/or principal's office.