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English Language Arts Syllabus
Teacher: Patricia Richard
Course: English/Language Arts
Room: E-2
Phone: (337) - 332 - 2844
Email: [email protected]


Welcome to English Language Arts class! The purpose of this course is to further develop the reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and critical thinking skills so necessary for your academic, professional, and personal success. During this school year, we will focus on literature study, vocabulary development, writing, grammar, and research/reference skills. We will explore a range of genres including (but not limited to) fiction, nonfiction, informational texts, and poetry from both a reading and writing standpoint.



Students must bring to class DAILY:
⦁ Pencils (no mechanical pencils)
⦁ A spiral notebook or composition book (provided by teacher)
⦁ Loose leaf paper (provided by teacher)
⦁ A three-ring binder (1 - 1 1/2 inches)



Your grade will be based on a combination of the following areas:


⦁ Content Mastery (75%)
⦁ This includes any type of graded work or assessment—such as tests, quizzes, essays, presentations, book reports, projects, class work and homework— that demonstrates student mastery of skills and content.

⦁ Participation/Preparedness (25%)
⦁ This includes a classroom participation grade as well as skill-building and practice activities, bell work, end-of-class summary activities, journal entries, etc.


Participation Grading

Student participation is a critical part of a successful and thriving classroom, helping to create a robust and engaging learning environment as well as developing students’ critical thinking, listening, and speaking skills. Thus, at least once a quarter, each student will receive a classroom participation grade worth 100 points, reflecting his/her level of engagement. This includes arriving to class prepared, participating in discussions, listening attentively, following classroom rules, and treating others respectfully. See the rubric provided for additional details.


Responsibilities and Behavior
Your responsibilities in this class are:
⦁ To attend class regularly;
⦁ To be on time;
⦁ To be prepared for class;
⦁ To meet deadlines (all assignments due at the beginning of each class on the due date);
⦁ To use your time wisely;
⦁ To be actively involved as a member of a group
⦁ To have a positive attitude;
⦁ To pay attention and listen; and
⦁ To be respectful of others and not be disruptive.
⦁ To be in full uniform (school approved tops and bottoms, shirt tucked in, with a belt).


All students are expected to be positive, contributing, respectful members in this class. Be polite and thoughtful of one another. Any behavior that prevents our class from functioning well or any display of disrespect will not be tolerated and may result in the following: verbal reprimand, contact with parent or guardian, lunch or after-school detention, removal from classroom, referral, or other consequence as determined by school administration.


Late Work, Absences and Make-Up Work

It is important that you submit your work on time and use your time wisely. Occasionally the unexpected happens; thus, students may turn in an assignment up to two days late for full credit. After two days, the student will not receive any credit for the assignment. Plan ahead—technology issues will not be accepted as an excuse for lateness. 

You are expected to make up any work missed because of any absence. It is your responsibility to get all missed assignments from me or from one of your peers. You will be given two days to make up major assignments. Assignments will not receive credit thereafter. Please note, if the absence is unexcused, the grade will automatically be a zero for the assignment.


Accommodations: If a student has extended time as an accommodation on his/her IEP or 504, the student is responsible for requesting extended time BEFORE the due date and must show that he/she has made a start on the assignment.

It may not be possible to make up some in-class group activities, in which case, I will provide alternative assignments. If you know beforehand you will be absent, please let me know so we can plan your make-up work. The quality of your work will be higher if you attend class regularly and meet all deadlines.


Plagiarism, cheating or any form of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Any violation will result in a zero for the assignment grade as well as a disciplinary referral and parent/guardian phone call.

Arrival and Dismissal

Students are expected to come to class prepared and will begin each class with a bell work assignment provided. All students should use the bathroom before class starts. No passes will be written during the first or last 10 minutes of class. I will dismiss you at the end of each class period because we must engage in bell-to-bell instruction.


Cell phones and any/all other electronic devices are not allowed on campus by any students. Therefore, they are not allowed in my classroom. Disciplinary action will be taken if any device is brought on campus or into any classroom.