page contents

General Resources:


These resources will assist you in being involved in your child’s education.


1. Louisiana’s Family Support Toolbox:


Features our standards, Common Core parent guides, assessment guides.


2. National PTA Parents’ Guides to Student Success:


Created for grades K-8 high school English language arts/literacy and mathematics these guides provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning at each grade in order to be prepared for college and career.


Assessment Resources:


These resources will help you understand the assessment your children will take at the end of the year and how you can work alongside teachers to make sure your children are prepared.  Students in grades 3-8 will take the LEAP test this schoolyear.  All third and fourth graders will take a paper based test (PBT) which is the standard pencil and paper test using a test booklet and answer document.  All fifth through eight graders will  take a computer based test (CBT) online. 


1. ELA and Math Practice tests:


2. Digital Literacy Awareness_This guide can help parents partner with teachers to ensure that students are prepared for online assessments: (All students in grades 3-8 have a username and password to access online typing lessons.  These lessons can be done both at school and at home.)





Math and Reading Resources:


This library helps parents understand content that students are learning in class and equips them to help with math homework and test preparation.  


1. Eureka Math Module Guides for Parents:



Simple overviews and step by step video explanations of the Eureka Math Modules taught in class to help parents understand content and homework.





2. Khan Academy:


Extensive video library, interactive  challenges, and assessments in Math. Also covers Science and other subjects (4-12)




LearnZillion offers a free and growing set of Math and English Language resources for grades 2-12 that have been developed by expert teachers directly from the Common Core State Standards.