page contents

If  you  want  to  keep  your  child's feet  on  the  ground,
put  some  responsibility  on  their  shoulders.
Abigail Van Buren




****PLEASE  send  tissue  for your child

to  use  at their desk.  




User Names & Passwords

are the same as your child's

Chromebook Log-In



User name:  sh9829984

Password:   Sh9829984

***The only difference is that

the password has a capital

letter for the first letter.

(NOTE:  2 students do not use

capital letter for password.)


After logging into a Chromebook

the student logs into "Clever" 

by clicking on 'colorful G' 

to log-in with Google. 

NOTE:  IF Clever does not

come up automatically ---

look on the tool bar = to the 

right.   There is a blue box with 

a white  "C"  inside.  Click 

on that and it should 

take you to clever page.

(Use only with student's 

school-issued Chromebook.)



Check Out the Websites

on the Menu Bar to the Left!

These DO NOT need accounts

or passwords.  

EngageNY - Math is the program used in our classroom.

EngageNY - Language is what we are 

studying for our language arts skills -

phonics, vocabulary, comprehension, etc.

Five a Day - primary games website -

has 5 activities each day.

LPB - Louisiana Public Broadcasting -

At Home  Learning  Page -

lots of activities to do

Brian P. Cleary website 







Please check your child's 

communication folder.


****   PLEASE  tell your child if there

are  any  notes or money  in  folder.


It  is  your  child's  responsibility

to  empty  folder  every  morning. 

She/he  should  turn in any 

notes,  doctor excuses,  or  money   

from  their  communication  folder.




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Straight  A  Honor  Roll


First Nine Weeks 





*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

A-B Honor Roll

 First Nine Weeks



*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

A   Conduct

 First Nine Weeks 




**  **

for Progress Reports

(Report Cards)

Percentage                  Grade
93 - 100              A
85 - 92                B
75 - 84                C
67 - 74                D
0 - 66                 F